
vdux firebase container

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vduxFire from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/vdux-fire';



vdux firebase container


with yarn:

yarn add vdux-fire

with npm:

npm install vdux-fire


vdux-fire is inspired by vdux-summon and react-refetch. You can use it to declaratively fetch data for your components and inject it into their props.

import fire from 'vdux-fre'

export default fire((props) => ({
  todos: `/users/${props.uid}/todos`
  render ({props}) {
    const {todos} = props
    if (todos.loading) return <span/>
    return (
      todos.value.map(todo => <li>{todo.name}</li>)


In order to make this work however, you must install the vdux-fire middleware in your root component's middleware stack and pass it your firebase config object:

import * as vduxFire from 'vdux-fire'
import config from './firebaseConfig'

  middleware: [...middleware, vduxFire.middleware(config)]

Descriptor Object

The structure of the descriptor object is:

  • ref - String, specifies the firebase ref to watch. If only a string is specified it is shorthand for this.
  • type - String, set to 'once' to only read the database ref only one time when the component is loaded. Without this enabled vdux-fire watches the ref and updates components on changes.
  • queryParams - Array, See query parameter section below.
  • join - Object, See join section below.

Query Parameters

All of the firebase queries can be written in either string or object notation. For more information about firebase queries checkout their docs.

Object notation

To write a query in object notation:

  ref: '/some/firebase/ref',
  queryParams: [
    {method: 'orderByKey'},
    {method: 'limitToFirst', value: 5},

String notation

To write the equivalent query:

  ref: '/some/firebase/ref',
  queryParams: [


To help keep your firebase database flat, vdux-fire has a join that can either replace or add new IDs within your data with other data from Firebase.

  • ref - String, The root ref of the join data.
  • child - String, The key to replace in your returned data. If the childRef is not specified this is also used as the childRef.
  • childRef - String or Function, The child to read from the join ref. If childRef is a function it receives the parameters (val, ref):
    • val - The value returned by the initial query.
    • ref - The firebase ref specified in the ref key of join.
    • Returns: Array or Firebase Ref, A single firebase reference or array of firebase references.

Basic example:

// Example data
// usernames: {
//   'uniqueID': 'danleavitt0'
// }
// games: {
//   'gameID': {
//     ...gameData,
//     uid: 'uniqueID'
//   }
// }
fire((props) => ({
  todos: {
    ref: `/games/${props.gameId}`,
    join: {
      ref: '/usernames',
      child: 'uid'

Example using childRef as a function to return an array of join values. These will be merged in to their corresponding parents at the key gameVal:

// Example data
// users: {
//   kvkXjds5fRh0jliRNfji3LTFMbI3: {
//     games: {
//        gameRef: {
//           ...gameMetaData
//           ref: 'gameRef'
//         }
//     }
//   }
// }
// games: {
//   'gameRef': {
//     ...gameData,
//   }
// }
fire((props) => {
  ref: '/users/kvkXjds5fRh0jliRNfji3LTFMbI3/games',
  queryParams: ['orderByChild=lastEdited, limitToLast=3'],
  join: {
    ref: '/games',
    child: 'gameVal',
    childRef: (val, ref) => mapValues(v => ref.child(v.ref), val)

Descriptor String

If you are NOT using join the entire descriptor object can be written as a single string. The format of the string is:


To add a once in string notation add [once] to the string:

// or


todos: `/users/${props.uid}/todos#orderByChild=timestamp&limitToFirst=5`

Data Object

The structure of the data object is:

  • loading - Whether or not the collection is currently loading
  • error - If an error has occurred, it is stored here.
  • value - The value returned from the request.
  • ref - The firebase ref that was requested.