A light-weigth reusable charting library based on D3.js v5.
Timeseries Charts
- Line Chart - Demo
- Area Chart - Demo
- Line + Area Chart - Demo
- Stacked Area Chart - Demo
- Line + Stacked Area Chart - Demo
Pieseries Charts
Barseries Charts
Quick Start
- Install with npm:
npm install vector-charts
- Install with yarn:
yarn add vector-charts
- Clone the repo: git clone
Vector-charts is written in ES6, uses yarn package manager and built with webpack.
The released bundle supports AMD, CommonJS, and vanilla environments.
Usage example:
- Simply add the vector-charts assets to your project and include them in your HTML.
# Include CSS for Vector-charts
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="vector-charts.css">
# Include Vector-charts - whole bundle, imports all Charts by default
<script src="vector-charts.min.js"></script>
# Include Vector-charts on demand - lazy bundle, imports required Charts based on demand and usage
<script src="vector-charts-lazy.min.js"></script>
- You can create a custom bundle using webpack or your preferred bundler and import the vector-charts
in your application as shown below:
import * as vc from "vector-charts"; // Import everything into a namespace (here, vc):
import {plotChart} from "vector-charts"; // To import specific module
Imports only few modules of D3.js in vector-charts and not the entrie D3.js modules.
Please check package.json for the various d3 packages dependencies imported.
Requires D3.js ^5.0.0 - Greater than V5 version.
How to build
- Clone the repo: git clone or
npm install vector-charts
- Run
yarn install
-- Download all project dependencies. - Run
yarn build
-- Production mode, the compiled code will be in the dist folder. - Run
yarn start
-- Start server on example folder to check the chart samples (open Usage.html for chart links)
Supported Browsers
Recommended that you upgrade to the latest version of one of the below-listed browsers
- Google Chrome
- Opera
- Safari
- Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
Copyright (c) 2019 Karthik S