A 2D Vector class for JavaScript. That's it!
$ npm install vectorjs
$ npm run build
$ npm run test
var Vector = require('vectorjs');
var a = new Vector(2, 2);
var b = new Vector(5, 3);
var ab = a.add(b);
// => { x: 7, y: 5 }
Usage without new
is also supported
var a = new Vector(2, 2);
// works the same as
var a = Vector(2, 2);
None of the methods are mutable, which means that they wont modify the caller, but rather return a new Vector
.add(amount): Vector
Returns the vector sum of the two vectors
can be either a Number
or a Vector
.sub(amount): Vector
Returns caller subtracted by the amount
can be either a Number
or a Vector
.mul(amount): Vector
Returns the result of caller multiplied by the amount
being either a Number
or a Vector
.div(amount): Vector
Returns the result of caller divided by the amount
being either a Number
or a Vector
.len(): Number
Returns the length of the Vector. Alternatively use .lenSq()
.lenSq(): Number
Returns the squared length of the Vector. Useful for comparing two vectors
.normalize(): Vector
Returns the normal of the Vector. This is a unit sized Vector
.angle(other): Number
Returns the angle between calle and other
in degrees. Alias for .angleDeg()
being the other vector
.angleDeg(other): Number
Returns the angle between calle and other
in degrees. Returns the same as .angle()
being the other vector
.angleRad(other): Number
Returns the angle between calle and other
in radian.
being the other vector
.clone(): Vector
Returns the a copy or clone of the vector
.equals(other): Boolean
Returns whether the x
and y
of the vectors are the same.
This is here since JavaScript is weird and doesn't do.
{ x: 2, y: 3 } === { x: 2, y: 3 }
// => false
Vector.equals({ x: 2, y: 3 }, { x: 2, y: 3 })
// => true
They have their reasons.
being the other vector
All of these functions can also be called from the class it self, as shown below.
a.add(b) <=> Vector.add(a, b)
a.len() <=> Vector.len(a)
// etc...
In the past weeks, I've wrote multiple vector classes for every single one of my games, each with a different implementation. I needed something that was as simple as v(2, 1).add(3)
and was easy to install. If you're looking for a super high performance vector library for rendering thousands of particles, this one might not be the one. Although if you do, send it to me please!
The source it self is written in ES6
, but is transpiled to pure ES5
and is ready to be required and used without a precompiler nor transpiler.
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
Thanks to timoxley for supporting me with a wrapper for class to factory.
Thanks to Tribuadore on reddit for pointing out this wasn't a "propper" "libary", but rather just a class.
The MIT License (MIT)