
A koa router middleware for RESTful API basing on the folder path

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import veins from '';



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A koa router middleware for RESTful API basing on the folder path.

Venis mapping all paths inside the specified folder to HTTP request routes.


npm install veins --save


In your app.js

let koa = require('koa');
let veins = require('veins');

let app = koa();

//Then venis will initialize all routers.


Controllers & filters

Venis will mount all js files in ./controllers(could be changed) to your app's router.

For example, you have a file named user.js in folder ./controllers:

//./controllers/user.js :
exports.get = function *(next) {

exports.delete = function *(next) {

And after calling veins.route(app);, this file will be mounted on:

GET      /user
DELETE   /user

Nested folders are also be supported:

//./controllers/human/man/DavidCai.js : = function *(next) {
POST      /human/man/DavidCai

If you need some filters for your routers, just add a file to './fitters', and add a array property named filters to the handle function or the exports object in a controller.

For example, here is a file named auth.js in ./filters:

//./filters/auth.js :
module.exports = function *(next) {
  yield next;

You can require this filter in a controller:

//./controllers/user.js :
exports.get = function *(next) {

//add method level filters.
exports.get.filters = ['auth'];

exports.delete = function *(next) {

//add controller level filters.
exports.filters = ['auth'];

You can add as many filters as you want!


You can also define a URL with params:

//./controllers/user.js :
exports.get = function *(next) {

exports.get.params = ':id';
GET      /user/0

All param syntax which path-to-regexp support can be used.

Use customized path

The paths of controllers and filters can be customized by passing a config object as the second parameter to veins.route();:

veins.route(app, {
  controllers: './your/controllers',
  filters: './your/filters'
