
velocity template engine

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import velocityTemplateEngine from '';


Velocity Template Engine for JavaScript

This is a JavaScript implementation of Apache Velocity template engine.


Quick Start

npm install --save velocity-template-engine

The module contains methods render and compile, both of which can be used as pure functions.

rendering a template

Method render combines a velocity template string (vts below for short) and a data object, returning a string.


var tmpl = 'My name is ${name}. I\'m a #if($gender == "male")boy#{else}girl#end.';
var data = {
    name: 'June',
    gender: 'female'
window.velocity.render(tmpl, data); // "My name is June. I'm a girl."

Additionally, there is a third parameter, an options object.

Option Property Meaning
tmplId A string or function representing the uniqueness of the template. For caching.
dataId A function which accepts the data and returns the unique id string of the data. For caching.
noCache Whether disable caching or not.

compiling a template to a function

Method compile compiles a vts to a pure function or a string of pure function body (to be written into files).


var tmpl = 'My name is ${name}. I\'m a #if($gender == "male")boy#{else}girl#end.';
var render = window.velocity.compile(tmpl);

// The second argument is options, and the `raw` property indicates whether to compile the vts to a string or not.
var render_raw = window.velocity.compile(tmpl, { raw: true });

var data = {
    name: 'June',
    gender: 'female'

render(data); // "My name is June. I'm a girl."
(new Function(render_raw))(data); // "My name is June. I'm a girl."


Name Usage Example
if Condition. #if($a) a #elseif($b) b #else c #end
foreach Loop. #foreach($item in $list) $velocityCount: $item #end
set Assign a variable, declaring it at the same time if not exist. #set($a = 1)
define Define a variable as a block of VTL. #set($name = "Tom") #set($gender = "male") #define($a) $name is $gender #end $a
macro Define a functional directive as a macro of VTL. #macro(a $name $gender) $name is $gender #end #a("Tom" "male")




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