
Verdaccio authentication plugin by gitlab personal access token.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import verdaccioAuthGitlab from '';



Verdaccio authentication plugin by gitlab personal access tokens.


npm install --global verdaccio-auth-gitlab



    # Gitlab server (default:

    # Gitlab token type (default: personal)
    tokenType: personal # options: personal/oauth/job

    # Check gitlab Role
      # Gitlab user role (default: true)
      # Warning: Set to false will disable all role
      #          Disable user role will make it impossible to check the relevance between username and token
      user: true

      # Gitlab group owner role (default: false)
      # Warning: Set to true will cause performance degradation
      groupOwner: false

      # Gitlab group member role (default: false)
      # Warning: Set to true will cause performance degradation
      groupMember: false

      # Gitlab group minimal access level (default: [])
      # Warning: Set to non-empty array will cause performance degradation
      #          Supported by gitlab 11.2
      groupMinAccessLevel: [] # access level array e.g. [30, 40]

      # Gitlab project owner role (default: false)
      # Warning: Set to true will cause performance degradation
      projectOwner: false

      # Gitlab project member role (default: false)
      # Warning: Set to true will cause performance degradation
      projectMember: false

      # Gitlab project minimal access level (default: [])
      # Warning: Set to non-empty array will cause performance degradation
      #          Supported by gitlab 11.2
      projectMinAccessLevel: [] # access level array e.g. [30, 40]

    # Cache gitlab user
      # Max cache count (default: 1000)
      # Warning: Set to 0 will cause performance degradation
      maxCount: 1000

      # Max cache second (default: 300)
      # Warning: Set to 0 will cause performance degradation
      maxSecond: 300

    # Limit the scope of the all function
      # Number of items to list per page (default: 100)
      # Warning: The maximum value is 100
      perPage: 100
      # Max page number (default: 0)
      # Warning: Set to 0 will get all data
      maxPages: 0



    access: $gitlab:user
    publish: $gitlab:user:xxx

$gitlab:user All users
$gitlab:user:xxx The user whose username is xxx
$gitlab:group:xxx:owner Owner of the group which path is xxx
$gitlab:group:xxx:member Member of the group which path is xxx
$gitlab:group:xxx:level:40 Maintainer(Master) or owner of the group which path is xxx
$gitlab:project:xxx:owner Owner of the project which path is xxx
$gitlab:project:xxx:member Member of the project which path is xxx
$gitlab:project:xxx:level:30 Developer or maintainer(master) or owner of the project which path is xxx

The following placeholder is allowed in xxx
[pkgScope] package scope
[pkgName] package name (without scope)

Access or publish a package @scope/name:
$gitlab:group:[pkgScope]:owner Owner of the group which path is scope
$gitlab:project:[pkgName]:owner Owner of the project which path is name

Valid access levels

The access levels are defined in the Gitlab::Access module. Currently, these levels are recognized:

10 => Guest access
20 => Reporter access
30 => Developer access
40 => Maintainer access
50 => Owner access # Only valid for groups


npm login --registry=http://xxx

Username: gitlab username
Password: gitlab personal access tokens


This project is licensed under MIT.