
Verdaccio Github Authentication Plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import verdaccioGithubAuth from '';



Travis Build Status

This is a simple Github Authentication plugin for verdaccio.


     org: cthos # OPTIONAL: Filter the user's teams to this organization
     mode: token # token or basic. Token expects an auth token as the password. Basic is raw username/password for github. DEFAULT: token
     cachettl: 5 # OPTIONAL: How long to cache the user's teams in minutes. DEFAULT: 5
     orgmode: true # OPTIONAL: allow orgs to be placed in the `access` stanza.

    octokit: { # OPTIONAL: Configuration options to override Octokit
        baseUrl: # The endpoint to use for the Github API

    # Access is determined by team permissions, but github username is also valid.
      access: team1 team2 awesomteam cthos

      access: org:volcano # allows access to everyone in the volcano org


  • You cannot use basic with 2FA as far as I'm aware - you'd need to use the token type.
  • The personal access token needs read:org and read:user.

Current Limitations

  • Teams are cached in Memory, so a lot of users could result in high memory usage and I've not profiled the impact.