
LDAP auth plugin for verdaccio

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import verdaccioLdapExtended from '';



verdaccio-ldap-extended is a fork of verdaccio-ldap which is a fork of sinopia-ldap that aims to keep backwards compatibility with sinopia, while keeping up with npm changes.

Differences with parent

Differs with verdaccio-ldap in accounting ALL of user's groups instead of only root ones: ldapauth#a3b6310a


$ npm install verdaccio
$ npm install verdaccio-ldap

A detailed example of the verdaccio-ldap plugin + OpenLDAP server packed in Docker is available here.


Add to your config.yaml:

    type: ldap
    # Optional
    # If set, the outcome of plugin would consider these groups only (cut off unimportant LDAP groups)
    considerableGroups: ['groupA', 'groupB']
      url: "ldaps://"
      # Only required if you need auth to bind
      adminDn: "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"
      adminPassword: "admin"
      # Search base for users
      searchBase: "ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
      searchFilter: "(uid={{username}})"
      # If you are using groups, this is also needed
      groupDnProperty: 'cn',
      groupSearchBase: 'ou=groups,dc=myorg,dc=com',
      # If you have memberOf support on your ldap
      searchAttributes: ['*', 'memberOf']
      # Else, if you don't (use one or the other):
      # groupSearchFilter: '(memberUid={{dn}})'
      # Optional, default false.
      # If true, then up to 100 credentials at a time will be cached for 5 minutes.
      cache: false
      # Optional
      reconnect: true

For plugin writers

It's called as:

require('verdaccio-ldap-extended')(config, stuff)


  • config - module's own config
  • stuff - collection of different internal verdaccio objects
    • stuff.config - main config
    • stuff.logger - logger

This should export two functions:

  • adduser(user, password, cb)

    It should respond with:

    • cb(err) in case of an error (error will be returned to user)
    • cb(null, false) in case registration is disabled (next auth plugin will be executed)
    • cb(null, true) in case user registered successfully

    It's useful to set err.status property to set http status code (e.g. err.status = 403).

  • authenticate(user, password, cb)

    It should respond with:

    • cb(err) in case of a fatal error (error will be returned to user, keep those rare)
    • cb(null, false) in case user not authenticated (next auth plugin will be executed)
    • cb(null, [groups]) in case user is authenticated

    Groups is an array of all users/usergroups this user has access to. You should probably include username itself here.