
Autogenerated JavaScript client for the Vericred API.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vericredClient from '';



vericredClient - JavaScript client for vericred-client Vericred's API allows you to search for Health Plans that a specific doctor accepts.

Getting Started

Visit our Developer Portal to create an account.

Once you have created an account, you can create one Application for Production and another for our Sandbox (select the appropriate Plan when you create the Application).


Our API follows standard REST conventions, so you can use any HTTP client to integrate with us. You will likely find it easier to use one of our autogenerated SDKs, which we make available for several common programming languages.


To authenticate, pass the API Key you created in the Developer Portal as a Vericred-Api-Key header.

curl -H 'Vericred-Api-Key: YOUR_KEY' ""


Vericred's API default to the latest version. However, if you need a specific version, you can request it with an Accept-Version header.

The current version is v3. Previous versions are v1 and v2.

curl -H 'Vericred-Api-Key: YOUR_KEY' -H 'Accept-Version: v2' ""


Endpoints that accept page and per_page parameters are paginated. They expose four additional fields that contain data about your position in the response, namely Total, Per-Page, Link, and Page as described in RFC-5988.

For example, to display 5 results per page and view the second page of a GET to /networks, your final request would be GET /networks?


When we return multiple levels of an object graph (e.g. Providers and their States we sideload the associated data. In this example, we would provide an Array of States and a state_id for each provider. This is done primarily to reduce the payload size since many of the Providers will share a State

  providers: [{ id: 1, state_id: 1}, { id: 2, state_id: 1 }],
  states: [{ id: 1, code: 'NY' }]

If you need the second level of the object graph, you can just match the corresponding id.

Selecting specific data

All endpoints allow you to specify which fields you would like to return. This allows you to limit the response to contain only the data you need.

For example, let's take a request that returns the following JSON by default

  provider: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'John',
    phone: '1234567890',
    field_we_dont_care_about: 'value_we_dont_care_about'
  states: [{
    id: 1,
    name: 'New York',
    code: 'NY',
    field_we_dont_care_about: 'value_we_dont_care_about'

To limit our results to only return the fields we care about, we specify the select query string parameter for the corresponding fields in the JSON document.

In this case, we want to select name and phone from the provider key, so we would add the parameters, We also want the name and code from the states key, so we would add the parameters,states.code. The id field of each document is always returned whether or not it is requested.

Our final request would be GET /providers/12345?,,,states.code

The response would be

  provider: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'John',
    phone: '1234567890'
  states: [{
    id: 1,
    name: 'New York',
    code: 'NY'

Benefits summary format

Benefit cost-share strings are formatted to capture:

  • Network tiers
  • Compound or conditional cost-share
  • Limits on the cost-share
  • Benefit-specific maximum out-of-pocket costs

Example #1 As an example, we would represent this Summary of Benefits & Coverage as:

  • Hospital stay facility fees:

    • Network Provider: $400 copay/admit plus 20% coinsurance
    • Out-of-Network Provider: $1,500 copay/admit plus 50% coinsurance
    • Vericred's format for this benefit: In-Network: $400 before deductible then 20% after deductible / Out-of-Network: $1,500 before deductible then 50% after deductible
  • Rehabilitation services:

    • Network Provider: 20% coinsurance
    • Out-of-Network Provider: 50% coinsurance
    • Limitations & Exceptions: 35 visit maximum per benefit period combined with Chiropractic care.
    • Vericred's format for this benefit: In-Network: 20% after deductible / Out-of-Network: 50% after deductible | limit: 35 visit(s) per Benefit Period

Example #2 In this other Summary of Benefits & Coverage, the specialty_drugs cost-share has a maximum out-of-pocket for in-network pharmacies.

  • Specialty drugs:
    • Network Provider: 40% coinsurance up to a $500 maximum for up to a 30 day supply
    • Out-of-Network Provider Not covered
    • Vericred's format for this benefit: In-Network: 40% after deductible, up to $500 per script / Out-of-Network: 100%


Here's a description of the benefits summary string, represented as a context-free grammar:

root                      ::= coverage

coverage                  ::= (simple_coverage | tiered_coverage) (space pipe space coverage_modifier)?
tiered_coverage           ::= tier (space slash space tier)*
tier                      ::= tier_name colon space (tier_coverage | not_applicable)
tier_coverage             ::= simple_coverage (space (then | or | and) space simple_coverage)* tier_limitation?
simple_coverage           ::= (pre_coverage_limitation space)? coverage_amount (space post_coverage_limitation)? (comma? space coverage_condition)?
coverage_modifier         ::= limit_condition colon space (((simple_coverage | simple_limitation) (semicolon space see_carrier_documentation)?) | see_carrier_documentation | waived_if_admitted | shared_across_tiers)
waived_if_admitted        ::= ("copay" space)? "waived if admitted"
simple_limitation         ::= pre_coverage_limitation space "copay applies"
tier_name                 ::= "In-Network-Tier-2" | "Out-of-Network" | "In-Network"
limit_condition           ::= "limit" | "condition"
tier_limitation           ::= comma space "up to" space (currency | (integer space time_unit plural?)) (space post_coverage_limitation)?
coverage_amount           ::= currency | unlimited | included | unknown | percentage | (digits space (treatment_unit | time_unit) plural?)
pre_coverage_limitation   ::= first space digits space time_unit plural?
post_coverage_limitation  ::= (((then space currency) | "per condition") space)? "per" space (treatment_unit | (integer space time_unit) | time_unit) plural?
coverage_condition        ::= ("before deductible" | "after deductible" | "penalty" | allowance | "in-state" | "out-of-state") (space allowance)?
allowance                 ::= upto_allowance | after_allowance
upto_allowance            ::= "up to" space (currency space)? "allowance"
after_allowance           ::= "after" space (currency space)? "allowance"
see_carrier_documentation ::= "see carrier documentation for more information"
shared_across_tiers       ::= "shared across all tiers"
unknown                   ::= "unknown"
unlimited                 ::= /[uU]nlimited/
included                  ::= /[iI]ncluded in [mM]edical/
time_unit                 ::= /[hH]our/ | (((/[cC]alendar/ | /[cC]ontract/) space)? /[yY]ear/) | /[mM]onth/ | /[dD]ay/ | /[wW]eek/ | /[vV]isit/ | /[lL]ifetime/ | ((((/[bB]enefit/ plural?) | /[eE]ligibility/) space)? /[pP]eriod/)
treatment_unit            ::= /[pP]erson/ | /[gG]roup/ | /[cC]ondition/ | /[sS]cript/ | /[vV]isit/ | /[eE]xam/ | /[iI]tem/ | /[sS]tay/ | /[tT]reatment/ | /[aA]dmission/ | /[eE]pisode/
comma                     ::= ","
colon                     ::= ":"
semicolon                 ::= ";"
pipe                      ::= "|"
slash                     ::= "/"
plural                    ::= "(s)" | "s"
then                      ::= "then" | ("," space) | space
or                        ::= "or"
and                       ::= "and"
not_applicable            ::= "Not Applicable" | "N/A" | "NA"
first                     ::= "first"
currency                  ::= "quot; number
percentage                ::= number "%"
number                    ::= float | integer
float                     ::= digits "." digits
integer                   ::= /[0-9]/+ (comma_int | under_int)*
comma_int                 ::= ("," /[0-9]/*3) !"_"
under_int                 ::= ("_" /[0-9]/*3) !","
digits                    ::= /[0-9]/+ ("_" /[0-9]/+)*
space                     ::= /[ \t]/+

This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version: 0.0.12
  • Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen


For Node.js


To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".

Then install it via:

npm install vericred-client --save


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:

    npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var vericredClient = require('vericred-client');

var defaultClient = vericredClient.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: Vericred-Api-Key
var vericred_key = defaultClient.authentications['Vericred-Api-Key'];
vericred_key.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//vericred_key.apiKeyPrefix['Vericred-Api-Key'] = "Token"

var api = new vericredClient.DrugCoveragesApi()

var ndcPackageCode = "07777-3105-01"; // {String} NDC package code

var audience = "individual"; // {String} Plan Audience (individual or small_group)

var stateCode = "CA"; // {String} Two-character state code

var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getDrugCoverages(ndcPackageCode, audience, stateCode, callback);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
vericredClient.DrugCoveragesApi getDrugCoverages GET /drug_packages/{ndc_package_code}/coverages Search for DrugCoverages
vericredClient.DrugPackagesApi showFormularyDrugPackageCoverage GET /formularies/{formulary_id}/drug_packages/{ndc_package_code} Formulary Drug Package Search
vericredClient.DrugsApi listDrugs GET /drugs Drug Search
vericredClient.FormulariesApi listFormularies GET /formularies Formulary Search
vericredClient.MedicalPlansApi findPlans POST /plans/medical/search Find Plans
vericredClient.MedicalPlansApi showPlan GET /plans/medical/{id} Show Plan
vericredClient.NetworkSizesApi listStateNetworkSizes GET /states/{state_id}/network_sizes State Network Sizes
vericredClient.NetworkSizesApi searchNetworkSizes POST /network_sizes/search Network Sizes
vericredClient.NetworksApi createNetworkComparisons POST /networks/{id}/network_comparisons Network Comparisons
vericredClient.NetworksApi listNetworks GET /networks Networks
vericredClient.NetworksApi showNetwork GET /networks/{id} Network Details
vericredClient.PlansApi findPlans POST /plans/search Find Plans
vericredClient.PlansApi showPlan GET /plans/{id} Show Plan
vericredClient.ProviderNotificationSubscriptionsApi createProviderNotificationSubscription POST /providers/subscription Subscribe
vericredClient.ProviderNotificationSubscriptionsApi deleteProviderNotificationSubscription DELETE /providers/subscription/{nonce} Unsubscribe
vericredClient.ProviderNotificationSubscriptionsApi notifyProviderNotificationSubscription POST /CALLBACK_URL Webhook
vericredClient.ProvidersApi getProvider GET /providers/{npi} Find a Provider
vericredClient.ProvidersApi getProviders POST /providers/search Find Providers
vericredClient.ProvidersApi getProviders_0 POST /providers/search/geocode Find Providers
vericredClient.ZipCountiesApi getZipCounties GET /zip_counties Search for Zip Counties
vericredClient.ZipCountiesApi showZipCounty GET /zip_counties/{id} Show an individual ZipCounty

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Vericred-Api-Key
  • Location: HTTP header