A very, very small node/javascript module to verify if a callback is a callback
I found that in accordance to Node and javascript principles I wanted to make sure I wrote my code with proper callbacks. Being a bit old school I tend to prefer to do things design by contract, making sure the inputs are correct and fail early, after all what's a single extra function call + equal operator cost in performance compared to debugging several hours to find an invalid input.
I had a quick look around and didn't find any simple library to verify this kind of thing so here it is.
npm install verify-callback
The verifyCallback is really just a simple method so require it and call it whatever works and fits your naming sense:
var verify = require('verify-calback')
function asyncRequest(callback){
or maybe a bit more explicit
var verifyCallback = require('verify-calback')
function asyncRequest(callback){
Only a few tests, runs with mocha, I expect you'll have to have it installed globally to run:
npm install mocha -g
npm test