Suomen Verkkomaksut payment interface.
This is NodeJS version of interface (not official).
Suomen Verkkomaksut payment interface allows for creating payment with a server request. With the REST interface, the payment is created in advance by sending payment data as a JSON message using HTTP over SSL (HTTPS) protocol. Service returns the response message in a corresponding format.
More information can be found here: Suomen Verkkomaksut - Integration guide
npm install verkkomaksut
var service = require('verkkomaksut');
// Payment return addresses.
var urlset = new verkkomaksut.Urlset(
// Payers data.
var contact = new verkkomaksut.Contact(
"Test", // first name
"Person", // surname
"", // email address
"Test street 1", // street address
"12340", // postal code
"Helsinki", // post office
"FI", // maa (ISO-3166)
"040123456", // telephone number
"", // mobile phone number
"Demo Company Ltd" // company name
var orderNumber = "1"; // Use distinguished order number
var payment = new verkkomaksut.PaymentE1(orderNumber, urlset, contact);
// Adding one or more product rows to the payment
"Test product", // product title
"01234", // product code
"1.00", // product quantity
"19.90", // product price (/apiece)
"23.00", // Tax percentage
"0.00", // Discount percentage
verkkomaksut.Product.TYPE_NORMAL // Product type
// Sending payment to Suomen Verkkomaksut service and handling possible errors
// Following is test account.
var merchantId = "13466",
merchantSecret = "6pKF4jkv97zmqBJ3ZL8gUw5DfT2NMQ";
var module = new verkkomaksut.Rest(merchantId, merchantSecret);
module.processPayment(payment, function(err, data) {
// data should contain token and url to redirect user to.