This contains common React elements used globally.
- CoreAppBar - The main app bar used by the system.
- CoreDrawer - This provides a list of sub applications and shows the selected one in an iframe.
- CoreTable - A standardized and flexible material-ui table implementation.
- CoreWrapper - Adds standard contextAPI providers to an application.
- TODO.... Add the rest
- Authentication - Stores authentication information. Has functions that require authentication.
- Channels - Has emitter channel implementation.
- Core - Has basic system information.
- Organization - Contains organization and entity information.
- compareObjects - compares 2 objects to see if they are identical.
- getIconUrl
- getParameterByName
- getProperty
- getUrl
Adding to a react application
Use npm and run:
npm install versacall-core-library-react
Packaging the library
- Update the version in package.json
- npm run compile
- npm publish