
For when you need the Verscoop but want to make sure its up to date

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import versettInfo from '';


Versett Info

Common things to know about Versett in one package.


npm install versett-info


versett-info contains a few key pieces of data to centralize our most commonly referenced information:

.ContactInfo Object

Main contact info. Contains the following keys:

  • phone: our main phone contact line
  • email: our main contact email
  • website: our website url

.Social Object

Our social profiles. Contains the following keys:

  • twitter: Twitter URL
  • instagram: Instagram URL
  • dribble: Dribbble URL
  • medium: Medium URL

.ASCII String[]

Line by line array of a simple V// ASCII art! Looking for pull requests to improve!

.Locations Object[]

Our main office locations for easy reference. Each array item contains the following keys:

  • name: Location name
  • code: Airport code
  • address: Address line
  • city: City
  • region: Region ( Province, State )
  • postalCode: Postal / Zip Code
  • country: Country
  • googleMaps: URL to Google Maps location

.People Object[]

Some VIPs in the V//. Each array item contains the following keys:

  • name: Name
  • title: Title
  • website: Personal Website
  • twitter: Twitter Handle ( without @ )

.News Object[]

Some links to some of the latest happenings. Eventually this will be a link to a feed! Each array item contains the following:

  • title: A title for the news item
  • description: A longer form description of the news item
  • url: URL to the news

Support & Ownership

This package is actively supported by the Versett team.