
Bump package.json version to pre-release tagged with Git branch and short commit hash, 1.0.0-master.1a2b3c4

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import versionFromGit from '';



npm version Build Status


We want to use npm version to bump to a customized version that contains both Git branch and commit hash.

And use Travis CI to automatically publish the pre-release version to NPM, tagged using npm dist-tag.

Instead of using plus (+) to denote build information, we prefer period (.) for simpler escapes. If you prefer the plus sign, you can customize the pre-release version pattern.

How to use

Run npx version-from-git, it will run npm version 1.0.0-master.1a2b3c4.

  Usage: version-from-git [options]

  Bump package.json version to pre-release tagged with Git branch and short commit hash, 1.0.0-master.1a2b3c4


    -V, --version            output the version number
    -p, --path <path>        path to package.json, default to current directory (default: C:\Users\Compulim\Source\Repos\version-from-git)
    --template <template>    pre-release version template (default: branch.short)
    -t, --travis             run in Travis CI: skip when TRAVIS_TAG present
    -f, --force              run "npm version" with --force
    -m, --message <message>  run "npm version" with --message
    --allow-same-version     run "npm version" with --allow-same-version
    --sign-git-tag           run "npm version" with --sign-git-tag
    --no-commit-hooks        run "npm version" with --commit-hooks
    --no-git-tag-version     run "npm version" with --no-git-tag-version
    -h, --help               output usage information

How to use under Travis

In Travis, when you push a tag (probably by npm version 1.0.0 followed by git push origin v1.0.0), you may want to skip version-from-git from generating a pre-release tag.

Run npx version-from-git -t, it will detect whether TRAVIS_TAG environment variable is present and skip.

Customizing pre-release version pattern

You can customize the version pattern when tagging for pre-release versions by running with argument --template branch.short.

Pattern name Description Sample
branch Branch name
In Travis, will use process.env.TRAVIS_BRANCH
long Git commit in long form 3807f9004867438c57a3e26f2073c33c458d4ef9
short Git commit in short form 3807f90

Default pattern is branch.short, which would produce master.1a2b3c4.


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