A simple grunt plugin to write the package's version into your page
How to use it
Add the following dependency to your project:
"version-writer": "^0.1.0"
Configure your GruntFile.js. Example GruntFile.js content:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
versionWriter: {
options: {
packagePath: "./package.json",
filePath: "./index.html",
tag: "p"
Run npm install
Now run the script!
grunt versionWriter
The packagePath option is the path to your package.json file. Default is './package.json'.
The filePath option is the path to your index.html file. Default is './index.html'.
The tag option is the html tag to replace the content. Default is 'p'.
The version of your project should be using the Semantic Versioning pattern. Check it out: