Server-side version-check module for apps
Getting started
Versioncheck should be installed globally, like this:
sudo npm install -g versioncheck
Once installed it can be started like this:
sudo versioncheck
It will daemonize itself and run in background, spawning a process for every CPU core available.
Place a file named "versioncheck.json" under /etc and versioncheck will load it at startup. The file is a simple JSON object containing all of the settings. This is the default one, shipped with the default installation:
"ENVIRONMENT": "development",
"HOST": "",
"PORT": 4554,
{"NUMBER": "0.4.0", "upgrade_url": "" }
{"NUMBER": "0.4.0", "upgrade_url": "" }
{"NUMBER": "0.4.0", "upgrade_url": "" }
{"NUMBER": "0.4.0", "upgrade_url": "" }
Adding a platform
Adding a version
Copyright (c) 2014 Nicola Orritos. Licensed under the Apache v2 license.