
A Lavalink client for eris modified for my personal needs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vertbotErisLavalink from '';



A Lavalink client for eris

This is a modified version of eris-lavalink for personal use with my discord bot with modified features.



# Lavalink v2 and v3
npm install eris-lavalink

# Lavalink v1
npm install eris-lavalink@^0.1.3

New Features

//EQ support:

var bands = [
        "band": 0,
        "gain": 0.25

//The setEQ function takes a json array that contains objects for each band. The bands range from 0 to 15 and the gain ranges from -0.25 to 1, 0 is the default gain.

//Destroying the player:


From the Lavalink docs:
"Tell the server to potentially disconnect from the voice server and potentially remove the player with all its data. This is useful if you want to move to a new node for a voice connection. Calling this op does not affect voice state, and you can send the same VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE to a new node."


Start by creating the PlayerManager and passing a list of nodes and optional list of regions

const { PlayerManager } = require('eris-lavalink');

let nodes = [
    { host: 'localhost', port: 8080, region: 'eu', password: 'youshallnotpass' }

let regions = {
    eu: ['eu', 'amsterdam', 'frankfurt', 'russia', 'hongkong', 'singapore', 'sydney'],
    us: ['us', 'brazil'],

if (!(client.voiceConnections instanceof PlayerManager)) {
    client.voiceConnections = new PlayerManager(client, nodes, {
        numShards: shardCount, // number of shards
        userId: userid, // the user id of the bot
        regions: regions,
        defaultRegion: 'eu',

To resolve a track, use the Lavalink rest api

const superagent = require('superagent');

async function resolveTracks(node, search) {
    try {
        var result = await superagent.get(`http://${}:2333/loadtracks?identifier=${search}`)
            .set('Authorization', node.password)
            .set('Accept', 'application/json');
    } catch (err) {
        throw err;

    if (!result) {
        throw 'Unable play that video.';

    return result.body; // array of tracks resolved from lavalink

resolveTracks(node, 'ytsearch:the 30 second video').then(tracks => {
    if (!tracks) {
        // no tracks to play
    // do something with the tracks

To join and leave voice channels, use the Lavalink client rather than using eris.

// to get or join a channel
function getPlayer(channel) {
    if (!channel || !channel.guild) {
        return Promise.reject('Not a guild channel.');

    let player = client.voiceConnections.get(;
    if (player) {
        return Promise.resolve(player);

    let options = {};
    if (channel.guild.region) {
        options.region = channel.guild.region;

    return client.joinVoiceChannel(, options);

// play example
getPlayer(channel).then(player => {; // track is the base64 track we get from Lavalink

    player.on('disconnect', (err) => {
        if (err) {
            // log error
        // do something

    player.on('error', err => {
        // log error and handle it

    player.on('stuck', msg => {
        // track stuck event

    player.once('end', data => {
        // REPLACED reason is emitted when playing without stopping, I ignore these to prevent skip loops
        if (data.reason && data.reason === 'REPLACED') {

        // start playing the next song

// stop example
getPlayer(channel).then(player => {
    if (leave) {
        // disconnect and leave the channel

A note on pauses

When you pause a player, the player will be kept in a paused state until you explicitly call resume or the player is disconnected. Calls to play and stop won't clear the pause state. player.paused can be used to check if the player is in paused state.