
Blazing fast communication between Node.js processes

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vertigo from '';



Blazing fast communication between Node.js processes

How to install Vertigo

You can install Vertigo using Node Package Manager (npm):

npm install vertigo


  • Supports Request/Reply communication.
  • Supports Send without Reply communication.
  • Supports multiple server using round robin.
  • Fault tolerant: clients will reconnect to servers even if server goes down and comes back later.
  • Extremely fast (disables TCP Nagle's algorithm).
  • Zero dependencies on other libraries.
  • Block non-desired IPs.


Request/Reply: Server with one client


// Modules
  var vertigo = require('vertigo');

// Create server
  var server = vertigo.createServer( 8000 );

// Listen petitions
  server.on( 'hello', function( name, callback ){
    callback( null, 'Hi ' + name + ', I am the server' );


// Modules
  var vertigo = require('vertigo');

// Create client
  var client = vertigo.createClient( 8000 );

// Make a petition
  client.request( 'hello', 'John', function( error, response ){
    console.log( 'Server says', response );

Request/Reply: 2 server with one client (Round robin)

Server 1

// Modules
  var vertigo = require('vertigo');

// Create server
  var server = vertigo.createServer( 8000 );

// Listen petitions
  server.on( 'hello', function( name, callback ){
    callback( null, 'Hi ' + name + ', I am the server 1' );

Server 2

// Modules
  var vertigo = require('vertigo');

// Create server
  var server = vertigo.createServer( 8001 );

// Listen petitions
  server.on( 'hello', function( name, callback ){
    callback( null, 'Hi ' + name + ', I am the server 2' );


// Modules
  var vertigo = require('vertigo');

// Create client
  var client = vertigo.createClient( 8000, 8001 );

// Make a petition
  client.request( 'hello', 'John', function( error, response ){
    console.log( 'Server says', response );

Send: Server with one client


// Modules
  var vertigo = require('vertigo');

// Create server
  var server = vertigo.createServer( 8000 );

// Listen petitions
  server.on( 'hello', function( name ){
    console.log( 'I received a message from ' + name );


// Modules
  var vertigo = require('vertigo');

// Create client
  var client = vertigo.createClient( 8000 );

// Make a petition
  client.send( 'hello', 'John' );

Block non-desired connections from unknown IPs


// Modules
  var vertigo = require('vertigo');

// Create server
  var server = vertigo.createServer(

    null, // Host definition, use falsy values for autoconfiguration
    [ '', '' ] // Accepted IPs. If it isn't defined all IPs are accepted.


// Listen petitions
  server.on( 'hello', function( name ){
    console.log( 'I received a message from ' + name );

Migrating from hermod

You can use Vertigo safely, currently the API is the same in both libraries.


  • 0.0.15 ( 2017/10/17 ): Removed unnecessary operation.
  • 0.0.14 ( 2017/10/16 ): 'ECONNRESET' error is triggered on client when server connection is closed.
  • 0.0.13 ( 2016/08/07 ): Improved close() client method.
  • 0.0.12 ( 2016/08/07 ): Fixed bug with close() client method.
  • 0.0.11 ( 2016/08/01 ): Fixed little bug with reconnect delay.
  • 0.0.10 ( 2016/07/31 ): Support reconnect delay. Setted 100ms as default.
  • 0.0.9 ( 2016/07/24 ): Allow again create clients with opts object as param.
  • 0.0.8 ( 2016/07/21 ): Implemented close() client method.
  • 0.0.7 ( 2016/05/09 ): Support TLS secure connections.
  • 0.0.6 ( 2015/10/04 ): Support multirequests. Improved message transmission. Renamed from Hermod to Vertigo.
  • 0.0.5 ( 2014/06/26 ): Limit connections for specific IPs. Support host definition in server.
  • 0.0.4 ( 2014/04/02 ): Optimized and send() method support.
  • 0.0.3 ( 2014/04/02 ): Optimized and better documentation.
  • 0.0.2 ( 2014/04/02 ): Optimized and prevent chuncked commands.
  • 0.0.1 ( 2014/03/20 ): First version.

To Do List

  • shout() client method
  • Authentication support
  • Middleware support