
This project is a NPM/React component.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import verySimpleNpmComponent from '';


This project is a NPM/React component.

All of component code is inside src folder.

There are two more folders with testing code.

The folder test-local contains a simple app that imports the component locally.

The folder test-prod contains a simple app that imports the component from NPM.

Both testing apps was created with create-react-app, but you could use other boilerplates.

The instructions to start the tests are inside each folder.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm install

Install the dependencies.

npm run build

This script creates a dist folder that will be published in npm.

npm publish

After you build and test the component, this command publish the component in NPM. Make sure that you set the version component in package.json.

npm link

Before publish the component, it's very important to test it. For this, you can run this script in the main folder, and then, run npm link very-simple-npm-component inside test-local folder (or any folder in you local). These two comands willf create a symbolic link from component to node_modules folder inside test-local, and the component will be imported in app.