Very Tiny Router
A simple vanilla js router written in modern javascript. You can use it to build lightweight SPAs or enhance your traditional multi page websites.
npm install very-tiny-router
You can also include very-tiny-router
directly in the browser. Download this
repository and place it in the root folder of your website. Then you can either
use a iife:
<script src="./very-tiny-router/dist/index.iife.js"></script>
const router = new Router()
or a javascript module:
<script type="module">
import Router from './very-tiny-router/dist/index.esm.js'
Create a new Router and add Routes:
import Router from 'very-tiny-router'
const router = new Router()
router.route('/', () => console.log('Home'))
router.route('/about', () => console.log('About'))
router.route('/projects/:id', ({ id }) => console.log(`Show project ${id}`))
router.route('*', () => console.log('Not found!'))
// In most cases, you probably want the router to handle the initial route.
Handle Link Navigation:
<a class="router-link" href="/">Home</a>
<a class="router-link" href="/about">About</a>
<a class="router-link" href="/projects/test">This one project</a>
To prevent the links from actually changing the page we have to intercept the click events and push/replace a route instead.
document.querySelectorAll('a.router-link').forEach(el =>
el.addEventListener('click', event => {
You can define the routes directly when creating the router (or use the
method) and set the history scrollRestoration.
const router = new Router({
routes: [
{ path: '/', action: () => console.log('Home') },
{ path: '/user/:name', action: ({ name }) => console.log(`Hello ${id}!`) }
scrollRestoration: 'auto' // default is 'manual'
Push a new Route
Replace the current Route
Add a new Route
router.route('/path', () => {
// Do something ...
Add a new Dynamic Route
You can use one or more dynamic segments (denoted by a colon :
). The dynamic
segments will then be available in the route's action callback.
const action = params => {
console.log(`Hello ${params.firstName} ${params.lastName}!`)
router.route('/user/:firstName/:lastName', action)
Handle initial route
In most cases you probably want the router to handle the initial route:
const router = new Router()
router.route('*', () => console.log('hello world!'))
// This will call the route immediately:
In some cases you may want to handle the initial route differently (e.g.: no smooth scrolling):
const router = new Router()
router.route('projects/:id', (params, initial) => {
const el = document.getElementById(
el.scrollIntoView({ behavior: initial ? 'auto' : 'smooth' })
Use the current Route
You can also use the current route anywhere in your project:
// router.js
import Router from 'very-tiny-router'
export default const router = new Router({
routes: [
{ path: '/', () => { /* ... */ } },
{ path: '/user/:name', () => { /* ... */ } }
// another-file.js
import router from './router.js'
window.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (router.currentRoute.path === '/') {
console.log('Welcome home!')
} else {
console.log(`Welcome ${}`)
Catch all / 404 Not found Route
You can use the asterisk *
to match any route that is not matched by a
previous route. See important for the asterisk's limitations.
router.route('*', () => console.log('Not found!'))
Execute a callback before or after each route. This are simple hooks, no navigation guards. So you can't use them to redirect or cancel routes. The callbacks receive a route object as an argument containing the path
, pattern
and params
router.beforeEach(route => console.log(`Changing to path: ${route.path}`))
router.afterEach(route => console.log(`Changed to path: ${route.path}`))
uses HTML5 history mode only, so make sure your server is setup correctly (see vue router's explanation).- The asterisk
can only be used to catch all routes. It is not possible to use it like this'/user-*'