
A JS/TS library for data validation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vet from '';



A collection of data validation tools.



vet : object



Trigger a compiler error when a value is not an exact type.


Trigger a compiler error when a value is not an exact type.

vet : object

Kind: global namespace

vet.arrays : object

Kind: static namespace of vet

arrays.isArray ⇒

Checks to see if a value is an array

Kind: static property of arrays
Returns: true if the value is an array

  • val - the value to check


let isArray from 'vet/arrays/isArray');

isArray(null); // returns false
isArray({}); // returns false

isArray([]); // returns true

arrays.isArrayOf(val) ⇒

Builds an array validator that checks the children of the array

Kind: static method of arrays
Returns: a function that returns true if the value is an array, and all of the children pass the validator

  • val - the validator function run against the array children


let isString from 'vet/strings/isString');
let isArrayOf from 'vet/arrays/isArrayOf');

let isStringArray = isArrayOf(isString);

isStringArray(null); // returns false
isStringArray({}); // returns false
isStringArray([ 1, 2, 3 ]); // returns false

isStringArray([]); // returns true
isStringArray([ '1', '2', '3' ]); // returns true

arrays.isLength(len) ⇒

Constructor to build an array length validator

Kind: static method of arrays
Returns: a function that returns true if the value is an array of length len

  • len - the length the array shouldbe


let isLength from 'vet/arrays/isLength');

let isLength3 = isLength(3);

isLength3(null); // returns false
isLength3({}); // returns false
isLength3([ 1, 2 ]); // returns false

isLength3([ '1', '2', '3' ]); // returns true

vet.booleans : object

Kind: static namespace of vet

booleans.isBoolean(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is a boolean

Kind: static method of booleans
Returns: true if the value is a boolean

  • val - the value to check

booleans.isFalse(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is strictly false

Kind: static method of booleans
Returns: true if the value is strictly false

  • val - the value to check


let isFalse from 'vet/booleans/isFalse');

isFalse(null); // returns false
isFalse(true); // returns false

isFalse(false); // returns true

booleans.isFalsy(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is loosely false (falsy)

Kind: static method of booleans
Returns: true if the value is loosely false

  • val - the value to check


let isFalsy from 'vet/booleans/isFalsy');

isFalse(true); // returns false

isFalsy(null); // returns true
isFalsy(false); // returns true

booleans.isTrue(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is strictly true

Kind: static method of booleans
Returns: true if the value is strictly true

  • val - the value to check


let isTrue from 'vet/booleans/isTrue');

isTrue(null); // returns false
isTrue(false); // returns false

isTrue(true); // returns true

booleans.isTruthy(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is loosely true (truthy)

Kind: static method of booleans
Returns: true if the value loosely true

  • val - the value to check


let isTruthy from 'vet/booleans/isTruthy');

isTruthy(null); // returns false
isTruthy(false); // returns false

isTruthy({}); // returns true
isTruthy(true); // returns true

vet.dates : object

Kind: static namespace of vet

dates.isDate(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is a Date

Kind: static method of dates
Returns: true if the value is a Date

  • val - the value to check


let isDate from 'vet/dates/isDate');

isDate(null); // returns false
isDate({}); // returns false

isDate(new Date()); // returns true

dates.isValidDate(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is a valid Date object

Kind: static method of dates
Returns: true if the value is a valid Date object

  • val - the value to check


let isValidDate from 'vet/dates/isValidDate');

isValidDate(null); // returns false
isValidDate({}); // returns false
isValidDate(new Date(NaN)); // returns false

isValidDate(new Date()); // returns true

vet.functions : object

Kind: static namespace of vet

functions.isFunction(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is a function

Kind: static method of functions
Returns: true if the value is a function

  • val - the value to check


let isFunction from 'vet/functions/isFunction');

isFunction(null); // returns false
isFunction({}); // returns false

isFunction(function (){}); // returns true

vet.numbers : object

Kind: static namespace of vet

numbers.isBetween(lower, upper) ⇒ function

construct a validator to check if a value is between two numbers

Kind: static method of numbers
Returns: function - - a validator function

  • lower number - the lower boundary value to check against
  • upper number - the upper boundary value to check against

isBetween.exclusive ⇒ function

Kind: static property of isBetween
Returns: function - - a validator function

  • lower number - the lower boundary value to check against
  • upper number - the upper boundary value to check against

isBetween.inclusive ⇒ function

Kind: static property of isBetween
Returns: function - - a validator function

  • lower number - the lower boundary value to check against
  • upper number - the upper boundary value to check against

numbers.isFinite(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is a finite number

Kind: static method of numbers
Returns: true if the value is a finite number

  • val - the value to check

numbers.isGreaterThan(bound) ⇒ function

construct a validator to check if a value is greater than a number

Kind: static method of numbers
Returns: function - - a validator function

  • bound number - the boundary value to check agains

isGreaterThan.exclusive ⇒ function

Kind: static property of isGreaterThan
Returns: function - - a validator function

  • bound number - the boundary value to check against

isGreaterThan.inclusive ⇒ function

Kind: static property of isGreaterThan
Returns: function - - a validator function

  • bound number - the boundary value to check against

numbers.isInteger(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is an integer

Kind: static method of numbers
Returns: true if the value is an integer

  • val - the value to check

numbers.isLessThan(bound) ⇒ function

construct a validator to check if a value is less than a number

Kind: static method of numbers
Returns: function - - a validator function

  • bound number - the boundary value to check agains

isLessThan.exclusive ⇒ function

Kind: static property of isLessThan
Returns: function - - a validator function

  • bound number - the boundary value to check against

isLessThan.inclusive ⇒ function

Kind: static property of isLessThan
Returns: function - - a validator function

  • bound number - the boundary value to check against

numbers.isNegative(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is a negative number

Kind: static method of numbers
Returns: true if the value is a negative number

  • val - the value to check

numbers.isNonZero(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is a nonzero number

Kind: static method of numbers
Returns: true if the value is a nonzero number

  • val - the value to check

numbers.isNumber(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is a number

Kind: static method of numbers
Returns: true if the value is a number

  • val - the value to check

numbers.isPositive(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is a positive number

Kind: static method of numbers
Returns: true if the value is a positive number

  • val - the value to check

numbers.isZero(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is zero

Kind: static method of numbers
Returns: true if the value is zero

  • val - the value to check

vet.objects : object

Kind: static namespace of vet

objects.isObject(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is an object

Kind: static method of objects
Returns: true if the value is an object

  • val - the value to check

objects.isObjectOf(validator) ⇒

Builds an object validator that checks the properties of the object NOTE: This only checks enumerable properties

Kind: static method of objects
Returns: a function that returns true if the value is an object, and all of the object properties pass the validator

  • validator - the validator function run against the array children

objects.isShape(schema) ⇒

Builds a function to check an object against a schema object

A schema object consists of an object with child object, functions, and values

The schema matching process is as follows:

  1. For each child in the schema object, match it against the corresponding child in the value to be checked

  2. If the schema child is a function, treat it as a validator function

  3. If the schema child is an object, recursively call the schema matching

  4. If the schema child is anything else, check for strict equality

Kind: static method of objects
Returns: a validator function that takes in a value val, and returns true if val matches the object schema

  • schema - the object schema to check


let isString from 'vet/strings/isString');
let isNumber from 'vet/numbers/isNumber');
let isBoolean from 'vet/booleans/isBoolean');
let isShape from 'vet/objects/isShape');

let isPerson = isShape({
  name: isString,
  age: isNumber,
  alive: isBoolean,

// returns false

// returns false, no 'alive' flag
isPerson({ name: 'John Doe', age: 12 });

// returns true
isPerson({ name: 'John Doe', age: 12, alive: true });

isShape.isShape.exact(schema) ⇒

Builds a function to check an object against a schema object

This function works similarly to vet/objects/isShape, but it also checks to make sure every value in the object to check has a corresponding validator in the schema

Kind: static method of isShape
Returns: a validator function that takes in a value val, and returns true if val matches the object schema exactly

  • schema - the object schema to check


let isString from 'vet/strings/isString');
let isNumber from 'vet/numbers/isNumber');
let isBoolean from 'vet/booleans/isBoolean');
let isShape from 'vet/objects/isShape');

let isPerson = isShape.exact({
  name: isString,
  age: isNumber,
  alive: isBoolean,

// returns false

// returns false, no 'alive' flag
isPerson({ name: 'John Doe', age: 12 });

// returns false, extra property 'gender'
isPerson({ name: 'John Doe', age: 12, alive: true, gender: 'm' });

// returns true
isPerson({ name: 'John Doe', age: 12, alive: true });

isShape.isShape.partial(schema) ⇒

Builds a function to check an object against a schema object

This function works similarly to vet/objects/isShape, but it only checks if the value is a "partial match" to the schema, i.e. properties can be undefined

Kind: static method of isShape
Returns: a validator function that takes in a value val, and returns true if val matches the object schema exactly

  • schema - the object schema to check


let isString from 'vet/strings/isString');
let isNumber from 'vet/numbers/isNumber');
let isBoolean from 'vet/booleans/isBoolean');
let isShape from 'vet/objects/isShape');

let isPerson = isShape.pattial({
  name: isString,
  age: isNumber,
  contact: {
    email: isString,
    phone: isString,

// returns true

// returns true
isPerson({ name: 'John Doe', age: 12 });

// returns true, empty contact still passes
isPerson({ name: 'John Doe', age: 12, contact: { } });

// returns true, partial contact still passes
isPerson({ name: 'John Doe', age: 12, contact: { phone: '00000000' } });

// returns false, age is not a number
isPerson({ name: 'John Doe', age: '12' });

vet.strings : object

Kind: static namespace of vet

strings.isEmpty(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is an empty string

Kind: static method of strings
Returns: true if val is an empty string

  • val - the value to check

strings.isLength(len) ⇒

Builds a function to check if a value is a string of length len

Kind: static method of strings
Returns: a function that takes in a value val, and returns true if val is a string of length len

  • len - the desired length of string

strings.isNotEmpty(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is a non-empty string

Kind: static method of strings
Returns: true if val is a non-empty string

  • val - the value to check

strings.isProbablyBase64(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is probably a valid base64 string

Kind: static method of strings
Returns: true if val is probably a valid base64 string

  • val - the value to check

strings.isProbablyDataURL(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is probably a valid data URL

Kind: static method of strings
Returns: true if val is probably a valid data URL

  • val - the value to check

strings.isProbablyEmail(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is probably a valid email

Kind: static method of strings
Returns: true if val is probably a valid email

  • val - the value to check

strings.isProbablyURL(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is probably a valid URL

Kind: static method of strings
Returns: true if val is probably a valid URL

  • val - the value to check

strings.isString(val) ⇒

Checks to see if a value is a string

Kind: static method of strings
Returns: true if val is a string

  • val - the value to check

strings.matches(regex) ⇒

Builds a function that checks to see if a value matches a regular expression

Kind: static method of strings
Returns: a function that takes in a value val, and returns true if it is a string that matches regex

  • regex - the regular expression to check against

vet.utils : object

Kind: static namespace of vet

utils.accepts(func, validator, message) ⇒

Wraps a function in a validator which checks its arguments, and throws an error if the arguments are bad.

Kind: static method of utils
Returns: a wrapped function that throws an error if the arguments do not pass validation

  • func - the function to wrap
  • validator - the validator function. This gets passed the arguments as an array
  • message - an optional message string to pass into the error thrown

utils.assert(validator, message) ⇒

Wraps a validator, and throws an error if it returns false.

This is useful for some code that expects assertion-style validation.

Kind: static method of utils
Returns: a function that returns null if the arguments pass validation, or throws an error if they do not

  • validator - the validator to wrap
  • message - an optional message string to pass into the error

utils.returns(func, validator, message) ⇒

Wraps a function in a validator which checks its return value, and throws an error if the return value is bad.

Kind: static method of utils
Returns: a wrapped function that throws an error if the return value doed not pass validation

  • func - the function to wrap
  • validator - the validator function. This gets passed the return value
  • message - an optional message string to pass into the error thrown

vet.equals(eq) ⇒

Builds an curried equal function

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: a function that takes in one parameter val, and returns true if val === eq

  • eq - value to check equality against


let equals from 'vet/equals');

let is3 = equals(3);

is3(null); // returns false
is3({}); // returns false

is3(3); // returns true

vet.exists(val) ⇒

Alias for vet/isNotNullOrUndefined

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: true if val is not null or undefined

  • val - value to check


let exists from 'vet/exists');

exists(null); // returns false
exists(undefined); // returns false
exists({}); // returns true

vet.isAllOf(...eq) ⇒

Constructs a function that checks equality against any number of arguments

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: a function that takes in a parameter val, and returns true if val is equal to any of the options in ...eq

  • ...eq * - values to check equality against


let isAllOf from 'vet/isAllOf');
let isNumber from 'vet/numbers/isNumber');
let isPositive from 'vet/numbers/isPositive');

let check = isAllOf(isNumber, isPositive);

check(-1); // returns false

check(1); // returns true

vet.isAny(val) ⇒

A default validator, that always returns true. This can be useful to spec out parameters that you don't wish to validate, but need to document for future work.

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: true

  • val - a value to check


import isAny from 'vet/isAny';

isAny(null); // returns true
isAny(undefined); // returns true
isAny({}); // returns true

vet.isNoneOf(...eq) ⇒

Constructs a function that checks equality against any number of arguments

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: a function that takes in a parameter val, and returns true if val is NOT equal to any of the options in ...eq

  • ...eq * - values to check equality against


let isNoneOf from 'vet/isNoneOf');

let check = isNoneOf(1, 2, 3);

check(1); // returns false

check(4); // returns true

vet.isNot(validator) ⇒

a function that inverts the result of a validator

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: a wrapper function that inverts the result of a validator

  • validator function - validator to invert


let isNot from 'vet/isNot');
let isNumber from 'vet/numbers/isNumber');

let check = isNot(isNumber);

check(1); // returns false

check(null); // returns true

vet.isNotNull(val) ⇒

A function to check for nulls

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: true if val is strictly not equal to null

  • val - a value to check against null


let isNotNull from 'vet/isNotNull');

isNotNull(null); // returns false

isNotNull(undefined); // returns true
isNotNull({}); // returns true

vet.isNotNullOrUndefined(val) ⇒

A function to check for null or undefined

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: true if val is loosely not null (strictly not null or undefined)

  • val - a value to check against null and undefined


let isNotNullOrUndefined from 'vet/isNotNullOrUndefined');

isNotNullOrUndefined(null); // returns false
isNotNullOrUndefined(undefined); // returns false

isNotNullOrUndefined({}); // returns true

vet.isNotUndefined(val) ⇒

A function to check for undefined

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: true if val is strictly not undefined

  • val - a value to check


let isNotUndefined from 'vet/isNotUndefined');

isNotUndefined(undefined); // returns false

isNotUndefined(null); // returns true
isNotUndefined({}); // returns true

vet.isNull(val) ⇒

A function to check for null

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: true if val is strictly null

  • val - a value to check


let isNull from 'vet/isNull');

isNull(undefined); // returns false
isNull({}); // returns false

isNull(null); // returns true

vet.isNullOrUndefined(val) ⇒

A function to check for null or undefined

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: true if val is loosely null (strictly null or undefined)

  • val - a value to check


let isNullOrUndefined from 'vet/isNullOrUndefined');

isNullOrUndefined({}); // returns false

isNullOrUndefined(undefined); // returns true
isNullOrUndefined(null); // returns true

vet.isOneOf(...eq) ⇒

Constructs a function that checks equality against any number of arguments

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: a function that takes in a parameter val, and returns true if val is equal to any of the options in ...eq

  • ...eq * - values to check equality against


let isOneOf from 'vet/isOneOf');

let check = isOneOf(1, 2, 3);

check(4); // returns false

check(1); // returns true

vet.isUndefined(val) ⇒

A function to check for undefined

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: true if val is strictly undefined

  • val - a value to check


let isUndefined from 'vet/isUndefined');

isUndefined({}); // returns false
isUndefined(null); // returns false

isUndefined(undefined); // returns true

vet.optional(validator) ⇒

A function builder to optionally check a value

Kind: static method of vet
Returns: a function that takes in a value, and returns true if the value does not exist, or the validator returns true

  • validator - a validator function


let optional from 'vet/optional');
let isNumber from 'vet/numbers/isNumber');

let isMaybeNumber = optional(isNumber);

isMaybeNumber(null); // returns false
isMaybeNumber("1"); // returns false

isMaybeNumber(1); // returns true
isMaybeNumber(undefined); // returns true


Trigger a compiler error when a value is not an exact type.

Kind: global function


Trigger a compiler error when a value is not an exact type.

Kind: global function