
A tool to retreive and archive questions from the VEX Robotics Q&A.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vexQnaArchiver from '';



A tool to retreive and archive questions from the VEX Robotics Q&A.

import Archiver from "vex-qna-archiver";

const apiKey = "LAIFHLUefhoiFEHOIufhlifehliFEHluifhlUF";
const archiver = new Archiver(apiKey, {
  dir: "../db"

(async () => {
  const data = await archiver.process("Judging", true);


new Archiver(apiKey: string, options?: ArchiverOptions): Archiver

Instantiates a new Archiver object using a RobotEvents Api Key.

options.dir: string: If specified, the archiver will store the questions in an sqlite database at the given location.
options.verbose: boolean: False by default, setting this to true will log some verbose data as the archiver is going through the Q&As.

process(category: string | string[], force?: boolean, shouldReturn?: boolean): QuestionArray | undefined

Goes through the entire Q&A for a specific category (or categories using an array) across all seasons. If a path was specified for the database, retreived questions will be stored.

By default, if a database already exists at the given path, the archiver will exit; setting force to true will force the archiver to run anyways.

By default this method will not return the retreived questions, but you can return them by setting shouldReturn to true.