Parser for Salesforce Visualforce pages. This is based on an ANTLR4 grammar (see antlr/VFParser.g4 & VFLexer.g4) using antlr4ts to generate a parser/lexer in Typescript.
This module just contains the Parser & Lexer and provides no further support for analysing the generated parse trees beyond what is provided by antlr4ts. See pkgforce for example code on how this may be used.
You can find some minimal examples in the src/_test_ directory.
To parse a page file:
let lexer = new VFLexer(CharStreams.fromString("<apex:page/>"));
let tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
let parser = new VFParser(tokens);
let context = parser.vfUnit();
The 'context' is a VfUnitContext object which is the root of the parsed representation of the page. You can access the parse tree via functions on it.
Change grammar
If you change the Parser or Lexer grammar files you will need to update the parser with
npm run antlr4ts
1.0.1 - Added TS declarations
1.0.0 - Initial version
Source & Licenses
All the source code included uses a 3-clause BSD license.