
Vagrant Manager

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vgm from '';


Vagrant Manager

A little command line tool to manage many vagrant boxes without changing working directory.


$ npm install -g vgm

Getting Started

  1. Add your vagrant boxes to the manager with the following command:
$ vgm add <name-of-the-box> <path-to-Vagrantfile-directory>

Where <name-of-the-box> - is any convenient name that you would like to use for your box and <path-to-Vagrantfile-directory> is path to where your Vagrantfile is stored.

  1. Run vagrant commands like this:
$ vgm <name-of-the-box> status

This should show you your box's status.


vgm add <name> [path]

Adds virtual machine to the manager


  • name - any convenient name for your virtual machine
  • path (optional) - path to Vagrantfile directory, if not present vgm will use path to current directory

vgm remove <name>

Removes virtual machine from the manager configuration


  • name - name of the machine that you want to remove

vgm list

Outputs list of all registered vitrual machines.

vgm <name> [cmd]

Runs vagrant command on a machine


  • name - name of the machine that you want to run the command on
  • cmd (optional) - vagrant command, if not present vgm will assume status command