
All Components are made using ReactJS and Styled Components and we use Storybook as a rendering

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vhOsPackages from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/vh-os-packages';


This is the VanHack OpenSource project

All Components are made using ReactJS and Styled Components and we use Storybook as a rendering

Release Current



You can see the prototype here


1 - Reuse as much as you can

2 - Create as many components as you need thinking that could be reused

3 - Don't forget to cover the [LOADING, ERROR and SUCCESS] states

4 - We want to see your tests!!!

How to contribute:

  • Create a Fork on Github
  • Keep your fork up to date
  • Create a new branch from Open RC (Release Current) not from MASTER
  • Commit on your own fork
  • Create a pull request to Open RC (Release Current) not against MASTER

How to run:

  • Clone the project
  • run yarn install
  • run yarn add styled-components install styled componets but discard the changes on package.json because the styled components must be installed as peerDependence
  • run yarn start
  • The project will run at the port http://localhost:6007


ROOT                      #STORYBOOK CONFIG
│   └───icons                  # Put all icons inside
│   └───Colors                 # Colors configuration
│   └───Grid                   # Grid configuration we must use this component to create all components grid
|   └───Components
|       └───[YOUR COMPONENT FOLDER]# Create your component here with the name
|       └───input              # All inputs should be created inside input folder
|           └───Simple         # A simple component
|               └───.spec.js   # All tests should be written in this file
|               └───index.jsx  # The component implementation
|               └───stories.js # The component stories for the Storybok
|               └───styles.js  # If needed all component styles should be here
└─── .babelrc                   # BABEL CONFIGURATION
└─── package.json               # PACKAGE JSON ***(Don't commit the package.json ever)**
└─── README.md                  # README.md Changes are welcome


All components must be created inside packages/Components

If you have any question, please ask on the slack and we'll help you.

Big Thanks and WeHackTogether!!!