vhost-delegator is a proxy server which routes requests to other nodejS applications based on domain name.
npm install vhost-delegator
The vhost-delegator runs as an http server, by default on port 80, which proxies the connections to other nodeJS applications, on the same server, but with different port numbers. The server can be started like this:
var delegator = require('vhost-delegator');
The options object passed to the startServer
method looks like this:
//these are the options for the controller, which the clients communicate with
controller: {
//port the controller runs on. The clients must be given the same port when they start
port: 8080,
//username and password which clients must use to be authorized as apps.
username: "admin",
passowrd: "admin",
//range of ports which the clients can run on. The maxmum numbr of simultanious clients is determined by the size of this list
appPorts: [5060, 5061]
//these are the options for the proxy server
delegator: {
//outward port the server runs on
port: 80
Once a delegator server has been started, it emits events about what happens. The following events are emitted
- app-started: Emitted when a client connects. The parameter is the app object, containing the name, port and address to the client app.
- app-stopped: Emitted when a client disconnects. The parameter is app object, containing the name, port and address to the client.
- error: Emitted when an error occures. The parameter is an object with a code, describing the error, and a message with details about the error. The following errors can occure:
- NAME_CONFLICT: A client has attempted to connect as an app that already exists. The client receives a 409 response
- PORTS_EXHAUSTED: There are no more ports for clients to use. The client receives a 503 response
Clients connect to the server, gives the vhost name they want to run as, and in return are given a port number to run under. Only when they are given the port number should they start the http server:
var delegator = require('vhost-delegator');
var server = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res){
delegator.startClient("mysite.localhost", {}, server);
The options object passed to the startClient
method looks like this:
//the controller hostname
host: 'localhost',
//port of the controller. Matches the controller.port option used when starting the server
port: 8080,
//username and password sent to the controller. Must match the controller.username and controller.password options used when starting the server
username: "admin",
passowrd: "admin"
The startClient method returns an object which emits events. The following events are emitted:
- started: Emitted when the client has connected to the server and has been given a port. The event is called with the port as the only argument.
- stopped: Emitted when the client has disconnected from the server.
- error: Emited when something bad happens. The parameter is an object with a code, describing the error, and a message with details about the error. The following errors can occure:
- START_REJECTED: The server did not accept the client, either because a client with that name already exists, or because there is no more resources (ports) for more clients