
Manage multiple web hosts on a single server on the same port.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vhostManager from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/vhost-manager';


Getting Started

npm install -g vhost-manager

mkdir /my/hosts/directory

node-vhost-manager --hosts-dir=/my/hosts/directory

Configure VHost Manager Settings

By default vhost-manager will look for 'hosts' in the current directory to use for it's hosts directory. You can explicitly specify the hosts directory with node-vhost-manager --hosts-dir=<directory> or using a JSON file with the key hostsDirectory. If no JSON file is provided it will look for vhosts.json. If vhosts.json is not found it will use the default settings.

node-vhost-manager my-settings.json