Viceroy Rest Driver
Control your empire
Battlefy introduces Viceroy. An ORM to rule them all. Viceroy uses 'middleware' to connect its models to their data sources. Any number of middleware can be connected to Viceroy or it is possible to read and write to many different types of databases with a single instance of Viceroy.
See the Viceroy Repo for more info.
Viceroy Rest
Getting started
This is a driver for making http requests to a rest server, preferably one powered by viceroy. This works in both node and in the browser. Check out the package.json for browserify build examples.
Config to Viceroy-Rest should include the following configs:
host: 'localhost', //required
port: 8000, // optional
beforeSend: function(data) { // optional
return data;
var viceroyRest = require('viceroy-rest');
var viceroy = require('viceroy');
var util = require('util');
host: 'localhost',
port: 8000,
function Tournament() {
viceroy.Model.apply(this, arguments);
name: String,
util.inherits(Tournament, viceroy.Model);
viceroy.model('tournament', Tournament);
viceroy.connect(function() {
// POST http://localhost:8000/tournaments => {name: 'My Tournament'}
Tournament.create({name: 'My Tournament'}, function(err, tournament) {});
// GET http://localhost:8000/tournaments/123
Tournament.findOne({_id: "123"}, function(err, tournament) { = 'herp';
// PUT http://localhost:8000/tournaments/123, tournament){ })
// GET http://localhost:8000/tournaments
Tournament.find({}, function(err, tournaments) { });
// GET http://localhost:8000/tournaments?name=My%20Tournament
Tournament.find({name: 'My Tournament'}, function(err, tournament) {});
// DELETE http://localhost:8000/tournaments/123
Tournament.remove({_id: "123"}, function(err, tournament) {});