Convert your videos to ready to play videos for Internet.
(c) 2018 Alfonso Saavedra "Son Link"
Under the GPlv3 License or upper.
How to use
Install from NPMJS
npm install -g vid4web
Clone the repo or download the last release and uncompress, open a terminal and type:
npm install .
This install all dependencies. For run type:
node .
or install globally:
npm install -g vid4web
Node modules used:
- libui-node for the GUI
- node-fluent-ffmpeg for easy to use ffmpeg.
- mmmagic for get input file mime type.
What is the output format? At the moment only mp4, but i add in nexts release WebM
I only select 3 resolutions. Is posible to add custom resolution? Not at the moment. I add the 3 popular resolutions. Under 480p (858x480) the video is small, and upper 1080p (1920x1080) the video size is too big. Maybe in the future i add custom fields for resolution, video bitrate, etc.
What Operative Systems support? It's avaliable for GNU/Linux, Windows and MacOS, but i do not use the 2 lasts S.O. and i can upload precompiled versions for this systems.
What browser supports WebM and/or MP4?:
| browser | WebM | MP4 | |::|:----:|:---:| | Firefox | ✓ | ✓ | | Chrome | ✓ | ✓ | | Edge * | ✕ | ✓ | | Safari | ✕ | ✓ | | Opera Mini | ✕ | ✓ |
* Edge only support WebM with the VP9 video codec.