
Frequent Time Update for HTML5 video elements

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import videoFreqtimeupdate from '';


The fork

Video Frequent Time Update

HTML5 videos have some quality events. One of those is timeupdate: dispatched when the time indicated by the element's currentTime attribute has changed.

Unfortunately, this event frequency varies between 4Hz and 66Hz(!), so it's not very useful for building interfaces that need to be up to date with the video time.

Enter Frequent Time Update. With 100ms intervals, freqtimeupdate events are sent out continously while the video plays.


  1. npm i -S video-freqtimeupdate
  2. import * as frequent from 'video-freqtimeupdate'

To add a listener

frequent.add(videoEle, cb);

To remove the listener

frequent.add(videoEle, cb);