
Find groups of scenes in an array of phashes using hierarchical clustering

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import videoSceneGroups from '';



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Find groups of scenes in an array of phashes using hierarchical clustering Pretty raw data, so you'll need to format the results yourself.


var detect = require('video-scene-groups');
var Extract = require('video-extract');

var extract = Extract('video.mp4');
extract.phashes.then(function (phashes) {
  var levels = detect(phashes)
  var last = levels[levels.length - 1]
  var clusters = last.clusters.filter(function (cluster) {
    return cluster.length > 1 // not really a group, otherwise
  }).map(function (cluster) {
    return cluster.sort() // sort by index, ascending
  // clusters are arrays of frames in a scene group
  // you want to calculate scenes and match it with scene groups

var levels = detect(phashes, [threshold])

  • phashes - array of phashes
  • threshold - maximum phash distance to cluster with