
Videogular Quality Plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import videogularQuality from '';



Videogular Quality is a Videogular plugin for changing video quality during video playback.


bower install videogular-quality


First, import the JavaScript file vg-quality.js, and then inject dependency to your AngularJS module.

Second, import the CSS file vg-quality.css to your html page.

Next, add a <vg-quality> element as a child of the <vg-controls> of your Videogular player like <vg-volume>.

Last thing you have to add 2 attributes such as:

  1. quality-sources is an array of video sources and define the name of each quality, for example:
qualitySources: [
            name: '720p',
            sources: [
              {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/mp4"}
            name: '480p',
            sources: [
              {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/mp4"}
            name: '360p',
            sources: [
              {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/mp4"}
            name: '240p',
            sources: [
              {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/mp4"}
  1. default-quality is the selected video quality object that select from an array above.

So, the element will look like this:

<vg-quality quality-sources="controller.config.qualitySources" default-quality="controller.currentQualitySource"></vg-quality>

You can see full example in /example/* directory in this project.


You can override the style by looking the default style in vg-quality.css


For MPEG-DASH you need to add .mpd file as the last source of quality sources list and add dashIndex property to each traditional source. dashIndex is a bitrate index that MPEG-DASH manifest use to auto scale the quality of video, so you must assign the sources property if you need to fallback to traditional progressive streaming when web browser is not support to MPEG-DASH. See example below

qualitySources: [
            name: '720p',
            sources: [
              {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/mp4"}
            dashIndex: 3
            name: '480p',
            sources: [
              {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/mp4"}
            dashIndex: 2
            name: '360p',
            sources: [
              {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/mp4"}
            dashIndex: 1
            name: '240p',
            sources: [
              {src: $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(""), type: "video/mp4"}
            dashIndex: 0
            name: 'Auto',
            sources: [
              {src: ""}

You need to set the initial or default source to .mpd source or the last item in the quality list.

currentQualitySource = this.qualitySources[this.qualitySources.length - 1];
