
Live stream record functionality for VideoJS with hls.js. This is the dev w

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import videojsHlsjsLiveRecord from '';



Live stream record functionality for VideoJS with hls.js. This is the dev w

There is no description yet because it is a dev version. When the feature is completed, I will add a full description.


  • start - start the dev server
  • watch - start only watch dev server
  • build - create build in dist folder
  • lint-code - run an ESLint check
  • lint-style - run a Stylelint check
  • check-eslint-config - check if ESLint config contains any rules that are unnecessary or conflict with Prettier
  • check-stylelint-config - check if Stylelint config contains any rules that are unnecessary or conflict with Prettier