Download and install earlier versions on Github
A very important part of Vide is to make sure that you or your team using Vide doesn't have to spend years in the config. So Vide uses a very easy to read syntax for the config (it is almost a mix between Yaml and Json). Incase you want to stick with normal Json you can.
Non-standard Library
The non-standard library is a custom syntax used for writing videfile's. It is similar to Json but without the colons and commas.
The syntax pattern is as follows:
keyword value
keyword {
To import the non-standard library use:

use non-standard
This line will tell the compiler that it should use the the non standard compiler and not parse Json.
Config Hooks

run {
// code here
Config hooks allow you to add custom events before or after the code is compiled. Events are written in Javascript.
Basic things
Settings Output Directory

Json version

outDir src
Non-Standard Version
This specifies the out directory for the compiled code.
settings root directory

outDir .
Non-Standard Version

Json Version
This options states the root directory or where your source code (.vide files) is.

// comment
Comment lines can written as such.
Basic Config

outDir src
rootDir .
Vide langauge
Vide is a framework that shorthands HTML and CSS in a way By allow you to to type all of them in one file with some extra added perks.
Basic concepts of Vide
All tags are case sensitive
Vide uses HTML like syntax for all operations in the langauge.
Every vide script starts with the following boiler plate code.
The Vide tag is similar to the html tag in HTML but instead for Vide.