
Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) enables you to visualize and analyze the real-time performance and user journeys of your application's individual users.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vidioDdRum from '';


RUM Browser Monitoring


Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) enables you to visualize and analyze the real-time performance and user journeys of your application's individual users.


To set up Datadog RUM browser monitoring:

  1. In Datadog, navigate to the Real User Monitoring page and click the New Application button.
  2. Enter a name for your application and click Generate Client Token. This generates a clientToken and an applicationId for your application.
  3. Setup the Datadog RUM SDK via npm or via one of the hosted versions: CDN async or CDN sync.
  4. Deploy the changes to your application. Once your deployment is live, Datadog collects events from user browsers.
  5. Visualize the data collected using Datadog dashboards.

Note: Your application shows up on the application list page as "pending" until Datadog starts receiving data.

Choose the right installation method

Installation method Use case
npm (node package manager) This method is recommended for modern web applications. The RUM SDK gets packaged with the rest of your front-end javascript code. It has no impact on page load performance. However, the SDK might miss errors, resources and user actions triggered before the SDK is initialized. Note: it is recommended to use a matching version with logs SDK if used.
CDN async This method is recommended for web applications with performance targets. The RUM SDK is loaded from our CDN asynchronously: this method ensures the SDK download does not impact page load performance. However, the SDK might miss errors, resources and user actions triggered before the SDK is initialized.
CDN sync This method is recommended for collecting all RUM events. The RUM SDK is loaded from our CDN synchronously: this method ensures the SDK is loaded first and collects all errors, resources and user actions. This method might impact page load performance.


Add @datadog/browser-rum to your package.json file, then initialize it with:

import { datadogRum } from '@datadog/browser-rum'

  applicationId: '<DATADOG_APPLICATION_ID>',
  clientToken: '<DATADOG_CLIENT_TOKEN>',
  site: '<DATADOG_SITE>',
  //  service: 'my-web-application',
  //  env: 'production',
  //  version: '1.0.0',
  sampleRate: 100,
  trackInteractions: true,

Note: The trackInteractions parameter enables the automatic collection of user clicks in your application. Sensitive and private data contained on your pages may be included to identify the elements interacted with.

CDN async

Add the generated code snippet to the head tag of every HTML page you want to monitor in your application.

 (function(h,o,u,n,d) {
  DD_RUM.onReady(function() {
      clientToken: '<CLIENT_TOKEN>',
      applicationId: '<APPLICATION_ID>',
      site: '<DATADOG_SITE>',
      //  service: 'my-web-application',
      //  env: 'production',
      //  version: '1.0.0',
      sampleRate: 100,
      trackInteractions: true,


  • The trackInteractions parameter enables the automatic collection of user clicks in your application. Sensitive and private data contained on your pages may be included to identify the elements interacted with.
  • Early RUM API calls must be wrapped in the DD_RUM.onReady() callback. This ensures the code only gets executed once the SDK is properly loaded.

CDN sync

Add the generated code snippet to the head tag (in front of any other script tags) of every HTML page you want to monitor in your application. Including the script tag higher and synchronized ensures Datadog RUM can collect all performance data and errors.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  window.DD_RUM &&
      clientToken: '<CLIENT_TOKEN>',
      applicationId: '<APPLICATION_ID>',
      site: '<DATADOG_SITE>',
      //  service: 'my-web-application',
      //  env: 'production',
      //  version: '1.0.0',
      sampleRate: 100,
      trackInteractions: true,


  • The trackInteractions parameter enables the automatic collection of user clicks in your application. Sensitive and private data contained on your pages may be included to identify the elements interacted with.
  • The window.DD_RUM check is used to prevent issues if a loading failure occurs with the RUM SDK.


Types are compatible with TypeScript >= 3.0. For earlier versions, import JS sources and use global variables to avoid any compilation issues:

import '@datadog/browser-rum/bundle/datadog-rum'

  applicationId: 'XXX',
  clientToken: 'XXX',
  site: '',
  resourceSampleRate: 100,
  sampleRate: 100,


Initialization parameters

The following parameters are available:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
applicationId String Yes The RUM application ID.
clientToken String Yes A Datadog client token.
site String Yes The Datadog site of your organization. US:, EU:
service String No The service name for your application.
env String No The application’s environment, for example: prod, pre-prod, staging, etc.
version String No The application’s version, for example: 1.2.3, 6c44da20, 2020.02.13, etc.
trackInteractions Boolean No false Enables automatic collection of users actions.
resourceSampleRate Number No 100 The percentage of tracked sessions with resources collection: 100 for all, 0 for none.
sampleRate Number No 100 The percentage of sessions to track: 100 for all, 0 for none. Only tracked sessions send rum events.
silentMultipleInit Boolean No false Initialization fails silently if Datadog's RUM is already initialized on the page.
proxyHost String No Optional proxy host (ex:, see the full proxy setup guide for more information.
allowedTracingOrigins List No A list of request origins used to inject tracing headers.

Options that must have matching configuration when also using logs SDK:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
trackSessionAcrossSubdomains Boolean No false Preserve the session across subdomains for the same site.
useSecureSessionCookie Boolean No false Use a secure session cookie. This disables RUM events sent on insecure (non-HTTPS) connections.
useCrossSiteSessionCookie Boolean No false Use a secure cross-site session cookie. This allows the RUM SDK to run when the site is loaded from another one (iframe). Implies useSecureSessionCookie.


Init must be called to start the tracking:

init(configuration: {
    applicationId: string,
    clientToken: string,
    site?: string,
    resourceSampleRate?: number
    sampleRate?: number,
    silentMultipleInit?: boolean,
    trackInteractions?: boolean,
    service?: string,
    env?: string,
    version?: string,
    allowedTracingOrigins?: Array<String|Regexp>,
    trackSessionAcrossSubdomains?: boolean,
    useSecureSessionCookie?: boolean,
    useCrossSiteSessionCookie?: boolean,