Just a humble little Express Wrapper, intended to gradually formalize a pattern I'm exploring where Node merely serves as a template renderer, with all genuine server work done elsewhere. The implication here is that I do not wish to write the bulk of my server code base in Node, however it's value as a primary front end language is undeniable. By abstracting all templating to a Node Server, we can get the best of the front end ecosystem without losing the stability and maturity of existing backend ecosystems.
npm install view-layer
var viewLayer = require("view-layer");
var app = viewLayer();
var jade = require("view-layer/jade"); // A simple Jade Wrapper
app.route("/", jade("some-template.jade"));
app.route(path: string, handlerFunction: (args) -> string)
All routes are GETs, parsed for JSON which is parsed to the handler function. Handlers return strings which are then rendered to the request. Some examples of wrappers can be found in "view-layer/jade" and "view-layer/react-wrapped"
app.listen(port: number, host: string, backlog: number, callback: () -> any)
Start listen for requests. This is just a wrapper for express().listen, which is in turn a wrapper for http.Server.listen
Copyright (c) 2015 Offsider, under the MIT License