Export items from Intelligent Graphics catalog system to the ViewAR system.
Use in code
Install package (either npm or yarn):
npm install --save viewar-intelligentgraphcis
yarn add viewar-intelligentgraphcis
Get catalog list and a scene state from an item in a catalog:
import * as ViewarIntelligentGraphics from 'viewar-intelligentgraphcis';
// Create and initialize importer.
const importer = new ViewarIntelligentGraphics.Importer();
await importer.init({
igxr: 'viewar',
// Get catalog list.
const catalogList = importer.getCatalogList();
// Get items from catalog.
const items = await importer.getCatalogItems(catalogList[0]);
// Get scene state from item.
const sceneState = await importer.getItemSceneState(items[0]);
Build the package
Login to ig npm repository:
npm login
ig_external <password>
Install dependencies:
npm install
Build or run watcher:
npm run build # Build for production.
npm run watch # Start watcher.