
'injectacble classes'

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vigourBase from '';



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Extendable object constructors, build for speed, low memory consumption and simplicity

  • set method
  • easy extendable property defintions
  • deep, memory efficient prototypes
  • parent and key fields
  • types (easy inheritance)
  • inject pattern


The properties field is used to add property definitions for certain keys within set objects.

There are 4 types of property definitions:

  • true clears any special base behaviour for the key
  • function calls the function when the key is set instead of the normal behaviour
  • null removes property definition and any existing instances
  • anything else uses the set function


var base = new Base({
  properties: {
    normal: true,
    special (val, stamp) {
      this.special = val * 10
    base: { nested: true }

  normal: 'hello', // → 'hello'
  special: 10, // → 100
  base: 'a base' // → Base { val: 'a base', nested: true }

  properties: {
    normal: null
    // removes property defintion and removes "normal"


var special = new Base({
  type: 'special'

var base = new Base({
  properties: {
    // uses "noReference" for a base
    special: special

  special: 10 // → Special 10

// add something to the "special" property
  properties: {
    special: {
      aField: true
// → base.special.aField.val === true, inherits from the property


Allows for extra customisation of property definitions.

It has 3 options:

  • :key when a property is set uses this key to store its value
  • :reset resets a previously defined property
  • :val property value
var base = new Base({
  properties: {
    define: {
      x: { key: 'y' },
      something: {
        key: 'else',
        val: {
          a: true,
          b: true
      hello: {
        key: 'bye',
        val: 100
  x: 10 // → y: 10
  something: { c: true }, // → else: Base { a: true, b: true, c: true }
  hello: { field: true } // → bye: Base { val: 100, field: true }

  properties: {
    define: {
      something: {
        // removes the "else" field on base
        // creates a new property definition for "something"
        reset: true,
        val: 'hello'
      x: {
        key: 'z',
        reset: false // will not move "y"
      hello: {
        // moves "bye" → "hello"
        key: null


Context enables deep memory efficient prototypes. Stores information on fields about first non-shared ancestors.


Notice that base.a.b.c === instance.a.b.c is true but the paths are different

const base = new Base({
  key: 'base'
  a: { b: { c: 'its c' } }
const instance = new base.Constructor({
  key: 'instance'
console.log(base.a.b.c === instance.a.b.c) // → true
console.log(instance.a.b.c.path()) // → [ 'instance', 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
console.log(base.a.b.c.path()) // → [ 'base', 'a', 'b', 'c' ]

store and apply context

Allows storage and restoration of context. Usefull for edge cases where you need to make a handle to a nested field in a certain context

Consists of 2 methods

  • applyContext(context)
  • storeContext()
const base = new Base({
  key: 'base'
  a: { b: { c: 'its c' } }
const instance = new base.Constructor({
  key: 'instance'
const b = instance.a.b
const context = b.storeContext()
console.log(base.a.b.c) // this will remove the context "instance", and replace it with base
b.applyContext(context) // will reset the context of b to instance

Apply context can return 3 different types

  • undefined Context is restored without any differences
  • Base A set has happened in the path leading to the target of apply context
  • null A remove has happened in the path leading to the target of apply co ntext