
1. Go to your project directory in terminal. 2. Run the following command : ``` npm i vikatan_recommendation_widget ```

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vikatanRecommendationWidget from '';



Steps to install the widget in your app:-

  1. Go to your project directory in terminal.
  2. Run the following command :
npm i vikatan_recommendation_widget

Steps to use the widget:-

  • Go to the file where the widget is required.
  • Import the widget using the following piece of code :
import { recommendationsWidget } from 'vikatan_recommendation_widget'; 
  • Call the "recommendationsWidget" with all the parameters mentioned below in the Sample Code Description.
Sample code:
1. <div className="wru_recommendations--gridView">
2.        {
3.        recommendationsWidget(
4.            {
5.            recommendation: "article",
6.            heading: "Recommended for you",
7.            userId: "xxxxx-xxxxx",
8.            merchantId: "123456",
9.            articleId: "xxxxx-xxxxx"
10.            },
11.            "wru_recommendations--gridView",
12.            "gridView"
13.        )
14.        }
15. </div>
Sample Code Description:
  • Line 1 - It's the div where the widget is to be appended.
  • Line 3 -> Line 13 - It's the function that needs to be called for appending the widget.
  • Line 5 -> Line 9 - These are the parameters that are required for the api call.
    • recommendatiion : It's the type of recommendation, i.e., article or user, etc.
    • heading : It's the heading you want on the top of the widget.
    • userId : It's users id who is browsing the content.
    • merchantId : It's the id of the organization using our widget.
    • articleId : It's required for the article based recommendation.
  • Line 11 - This is the class name where the widget is to be appended.
  • Line 12 - This is the orientation of the widget. (Should be "gridView")

Note ---> Classname of the div where the widget is to be appended(In this case it's Line - 1) should be wru_recommendations--gridView and should be same as mentioned inside the function(In this case it's Line - 11.)