A js pub-sub library, for state management, in libraries such as React.
Import Vine
import {vine} from "vine-pubsub"
The vine
object is created once. All subsequent imports will return the same vine
within the application. This allows the vine
object to be used as a singleton
buttonsPressed: 0,
lastButtonPressed: ""
setData method can be used to set the initial json for the app. NOTE This method should only be used once at the time of initialisation
Register a subscriber
let subscriberId = vine.subscribe("button_pressed", (data) => {
console.log("Button Press count: "+ data.buttonsPressed);
The subscribe function takes 2 arguments an event name, and callback function, the return value is a subscription id, which can then be used to unsubscribe. The callback function will receive all the data held in vine. Note This is not the event data, but the data held in vine, which would have been updated by an event handler function.
Unregister a subscriber
let subscriberId = vine.subscribe("button_pressed", (data) => {
console.log("Button Press count: "+ data.buttonsPressed);
Upon subscription a globally unique subscription id is returned. This can be passed to unsubscribe()
to unsubscribe the function
Publish an event
vine.publish("button_pressed", { buttonName: "like" })
This will publish an event called "button_pressed", the json { buttonName: "like" }
, will be sent to
any event handler function registered to handle the event.
Register Event Handler (optional)
This is optional. If a custom event handler is not provided, The event data is merged into global data
vine.setEventHandler("button_pressed", (globalData, eventData) => {
globalData.buttonsPressed = globalData.buttonsPressed +1;
globalData.lastButtonPressed = eventData.buttonName
return globalData;
The above registers an event handler function to the buttonPressed
The function takes 2 arguments the currentData held in vine and the event data. The function mutates the global data, using the event data.
The mutated global data is then returned, which now becomes the data held in vine. All registers subscriber functions for this event will now be called with the new global data.
Register Event Interceptor
vine.addEventInterceptor((eventName, eventData, globalData) => {
console.log("Event fired: " + eventName)
The above registers an event interceptor. This will called whenever an event is published, before the event handler is invoked. The interceptor callback function will receive 3 arguments, name of the event, data associated to the event and global data held in the vine
Access all data
let allData = vine.getData()
console.log("Data held in vine: " + JSON.stringify(data))
The above will return the complete json held within vine.
vine.withData(data => {
console.log("Data held in vine: " + JSON.stringify(data))
The above will return the complete json held within vine.
Example with react
import React from "react"
import {vine} from "vine-pubsub"
Initialise global data
//set initial global data
buttonPressed: 0,
lastButtonPressed: ""
//Register event handler
vine.setEventHandler("button_pressed", (globalData, eventData) =>{
globalData.buttonPressed = globalData.buttonPressed +1;
globalData.lastButtonPressed = buttonName;
Component to display counter
class ButtonCounter extends React.Component{
//set up initial state
vine.withData(data => {
let state = { count : data.buttonPressed }
//register event subscriber
vine.subscribe("button_pressed", (data)=> {
count : data.buttonPressed
render() {
return (
<p>Buttons pressed: {this.state.count}</p>
Component to display name of last button pressed
class LastButtonMessage extends React.Component{
//set up initial state
vine.withData(data => {
let state = { buttonName : data.lastButtonPressed }
//register event subscriber
vine.subscribe("button_pressed", (data)=> {
buttonName : data.lastButtonPressed
render() {
return (
<p>Last button pressed: {this.state.buttonName}</p>
A button component to publish events
function Button(props){
<button onClick={()=> vine.publish("button_pressed", {"buttonName": "like"})}>
<button onClick={()=> vine.publish("button_pressed", {"buttonName": "dislike"})}>