
Vinyl adapter for the DOM.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vinylDom from '';



Vinyl adapter for DOM nodes. Wait, what?

Works like Gulp/vinyl-fs's .src() and .dest() functions, but .src() takes in the inner HTML of an element (or the value of a form field), and .dest() writes stream values to an element.


npm install vinyl-dom --save


vinyl-dom creates Vinyl files like any other source adapter. The path is the ID of the element (if it has one), and contents is a buffer of the inner HTML of the element, or the value if it's a form field.

var dom = require('vinyl-dom');

  .pipe(/* Use most Gulp plugins here! */)


Takes a single DOM element and creates a Vinyl file out of its value or innerHTML property. input can be a selector or an HTMLElement. The function uses .querySelector(), so only one element is read.


Transfers the contents of the stream into the value or innerHTML property of the target element. Since dom.src() only creates one file in the stream, there's only one value that can be transferred. Like with .src(), the output parameter can be a selector or an HTMLElement.

.dest() is also a passthrough, so you can pipe it to more transforms.