
A virtual-dom widget that enables interop with hammer.js.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import virtualDomHammerjs from '';



A simple virtual-dom widget that wraps Hammer.js events to the virtual-dom. The general idea comes from react-hammerjs, but this implementation supports all events and the complete Hammer.js feature set with a declarative api.


The manager property may be used to configure the Hammer manager. These properties will be merged with the default ones.

In addition, the actual Hammer.js object is exposed as Hammer.OPTS, from which one may access constants.

var Hammer = require('virtual-dom-hammerjs')
var h = require('virtual-dom/h')

function render(count)  {
    return h('div', {
        hammer: new Hammer({
            events: {
                tripletap: handleEvent,

                pan: handleEvent,
                panstart: handleEvent,
                panmove: handleEvent,
                panend: handleEvent,
                pancancel: handleEvent,
                panleft: handleEvent,
                panright: handleEvent,
                panup: handleEvent,
                pandown: handleEvent,
                pinch: handleEvent,
                pinchstart: handleEvent,
                pinchmove: handleEvent,
                pinchend: handleEvent,
                pinchcancel: handleEvent,
                pinchin: handleEvent,
                pinchout: handleEvent,
                press: handleEvent,
                pressup: handleEvent,
                rotate: handleEvent,
                rotatestart: handleEvent,
                rotatemove: handleEvent,
                rotateend: handleEvent,
                rotatecancel: handleEvent,
                swipe: handleEvent,
                swipeleft: handleEvent,
                swiperight: handleEvent,
                swipeup: handleEvent,
                swipedown: handleEvent,
                tap: handleEvent
            manager: {
                touchAction: 'compute',
                recognizers: {
                    // Custom recognizers:
                    tripletap: {
                        type: 'Tap',
                        options: {
                            taps: 3
                        recognizeWith: ['tap']
                    panh: {
                        type: 'Pan',
                        options: {
                            direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL
                    panv: {
                        type: 'Pan',
                        options: {
                            direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_VERTICAL
                        requireFailure: ['panh']

                    // The following recognizers update the default ones:
                    pan: {
                        options: {
                            enable: true
                    pinch: {
                        options: {
                            enable: true
                        recognizeWith: ['rotate']
                    rotate: {
                        options: {
                            enable: true
                    swipe: {
                        options: {
                            enable: true,
                            pointers: 1,
                            threshold: 10,
                            direction: Hammer.OPTS.DIRECTION_ALL,
                            velocity: 0.65
                        recognizeWith: ['pan']
                    tap: {
                        options: {
                            enable: false,
                            time: 600,
                            threshold: 100
    }, 'Touch Me')