VirtualSockets 1.0.0
by Blaineworld
Make your users write the networking code for you.
VirtualSockets is technically ready for use! This is really still a beta, so I might make some incompatible changes that I see as improving the library, and if you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please let me know! Actually, if you're using this package please let me know. I've never had anyone try my stuff before.
Quick Docs
class VirtualServer extends EventEmitter
new VirtualServer([formatter: string | function])
VirtualServer.Socket: VirtualSocket constructor
VirtualServer.version: string
The version number of the library.
VirtualServer.formatters() => array
Get a list of valid formatter names.
EVENT connection (socket: object VirtualSocket)
Fires when a new connection is established.
object VirtualServer
format: string
The ID of the message formatter, or "Custom" if it's
a custom formatter function.
formatter: null | function
The custom message formatter, or null if this server
uses one of the built-in message formatters.
connections() => array
Gets a list of all current connections to this server.
connect() => object VirtualSocket
Creates a new connection to this server.
sendAll(messages ...) chainable
Sends identical messages on all sockets.
class VirtualSocket extends EventEmitter
new VirtualSocket(server: object VirtualServer)
VirtualSocket.Server: VirtualServer constructor
VirtualSocket.version: string
The version number of the library.
EVENT disconnect
Fires when the socket disconnects. Unlike 'error', this
event CAN fire for network errors, if applicable.
EVENT error (error: *)
Fires when an error is thrown during message transfer;
this event is NOT for network errors!
EVENT message (message: *)
Fires when a message is received. The type of the
message depends on what the server's formatter returns.
object VirtualSocket
format: string
Always the same as the server's format property.
formatter: null | function (read-only)
Always the same as the server's formatter property.
sender: function
The function used by this socket to send messages.
server: object VirtualServer (read-only)
The server that has this connection.
close() chainable
Closes the connection. This socket's pipe and send
methods will still work, but won't do anything.
pipe(messages ...) chainable
Receives a message on this socket.
send(messages ...) chainable
Sends a message on this socket.