Windows | Mac/Linux |
Wraps a leveldown-compatible module as such as no changes are made on the original
database instance. Instead it writes all put/del
to memory. When performing get
it first checks the memory and only fetched from the original source if it's not
in memory. This means when using virtualdown
it looks like the original database
is changed, but in reality nothing is.
Install with npm install virtualdown
You can get your leveldown drop-in by wrapping it around another leveldown module:
var myVirtualDown = require('virtualdown')(somethingDOWN)
It is a generalisation of the virtual-leveldown module.
var virtualDown = require('virtualdown')
var leveldown = require('leveldown')
var virtualLevelDown = virtualDOWN(leveldown)
var db = virtualLevelDown('mydatabase') // filled with cats () {
db.put('doggy', 'dogdog', function (err) {
db.get('doggy', function (value) {
// value == 'dogdog'
// but the dog is not in 'mydatabase' on disk