
Fork of lluchmk-ng2-table which allows setting edit checkboxes initial values

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import virycNg2Table from '';


ng2-table with edition options

Fork of ng2-table including a config object to render edition buttons.


Only included the aditional options of this fork. For more information head to the original docs

Inputs (Properties)

-editConfig (?any) - configuration of the edition cell

  • title (?string) - title of the header for the edition column
  • className (?string|Array<string>) - additional css classes that should be added to the edition column header
  • edit (?any) - configuration object for the edit button
    • title (?string) - content of the edit button
    • icon (?string) - css class for a icon inside the button
    • className (?string|Array<string>) - additional css classes that should be added to the edit button
  • delete (?any) - configuration object for the delete button
    • title (?string) - content of the delete button
    • icon (?string) - css class for a icon inside the button
    • className (?string|Array<string>) - additional css classes that should be added to the delete button
  • select (?any) - configuration object for the selection checkbox
    • name (string) - html name property for the checkboxes
    • stateProperty (string) - property of the row object that has state value for the checkbox
    • keyProperty (string) - property of the row object that maps to 'id' of the checkbox (uniquely identifies it)
    • className (?string|Array<string>) - additional css classes that should be added to the checkbox

Outputs (Events)

  • tableChanged: data change event handler
  • cellClicked: onclick event handler
  • editClicked: edit button event handler. It does not handles the edition, just outputs the row on it which was triggered.
  • deleteClicked: delete button event handler. It does not handles the deletion, just outputs the row on it which was triggered
  • selectChange: row selection change handler. Outputs the row and a a boolean telling if its selected or not.
  • sortChanged: column sorting change handler. Outputs the changed column
  • filterChanged: column filter change handler. Outputs the changed column


Please follow this guidelines when reporting bugs and feature requests:

  1. Use GitHub Issues board to report bugs and feature requests (not our email address)
  2. Please always write steps to reproduce the error. That way we can focus on fixing the bug, not scratching our heads trying to reproduce it.

Thanks for understanding!


The MIT License (see the LICENSE file for the full text)