
Print whitespace and non-ASCII characters in a stream. Like vis or cat -v.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import visible from '';



npm version

Highlight whitespace and escape non-ASCII characters in buffers, bytestreams, etc. Like cat -v, or vis, but with different options.

Install globally:

npm install -g visible

Example usage:

visible < /etc/hosts
visible < ~/github/twilight/ttv2.columns

Character maps

The characters from 33 to 126 are pretty normal; they are all one character wide and visible. By default, we just print them out verbatim.

 33=!    34="    35=#    36=$    37=%    38=&    39='    40=(    41=)
 42=*    43=+    44=,    45=-    46=.    47=/    48=0    49=1    50=2
 51=3    52=4    53=5    54=6    55=7    56=8    57=9    58=:    59=;
 60=<    61==    62=>    63=?    64=@    65=A    66=B    67=C    68=D
 69=E    70=F    71=G    72=H    73=I    74=J    75=K    76=L    77=M
 78=N    79=O    80=P    81=Q    82=R    83=S    84=T    85=U    86=V
 87=W    88=X    89=Y    90=Z    91=[    92=\    93=]    94=^    95=_
 96=`    97=a    98=b    99=c   100=d   101=e   102=f   103=g   104=h
105=i   106=j   107=k   108=l   109=m   110=n   111=o   112=p   113=q
114=r   115=s   116=t   117=u   118=v   119=w   120=x   121=y   122=z
123={   124=|   125=}   126=~


Copyright 2013-2015 Christopher Brown. MIT Licensed.