
Vite goes to great length not to bundle anything (in dev), but there are cases where you've got no choice but to bundle. Some examples are: - worker (web/shared/service) which need to run as IIFE and not {type: 'module} (e.g. using importScripts) - JS entry point which needs to be available dynamically at runtime (e.g. in an iframe)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vitePluginBundledEntry from '';


vite-plugin-bundled-entry npm


Vite goes to great length not to bundle anything (in dev), but there are cases where you've got no choice but to bundle. Some examples are:

  • worker (web/shared/service) which need to run as IIFE and not {type: 'module} (e.g. using importScripts)
  • JS entry point which needs to be available dynamically at runtime (e.g. in an iframe)


npm install --save-dev vite-plugin-bundled-entry


Add it to vite.config.js

import bundledEntryPlugin from 'vite-plugin-bundled-entry';

export default {
  plugins: [bundledEntryPlugin({
    id: 'some_virtual_id',
    outFile: '/assets/mybundle.[hash].js',
    entryPoint: 'src/path/to/entryfile.js',
    esbuildOptions: {
      // (optional) esbuild options to use for bundling
      minify: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
      format: 'iife', // default "esm"
    transform(code) {
      // (optional) transform to apply on generated bundle

In your code

import url 'some_virtual_id?url';
// will be /assets/mybundle.[hash].js (with hash placeholder replaced in build mode)

function createWorker() {
  return new Worker(url);



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