
Minicart for Vtex store with DOM Binding

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vtexMinicart from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/vtex-minicart';



DOM Binding minicart for Vtex stores.

Table of contents


├── vtex-minicart.js         (uncompressed)
└── vtex-minicart.min.js     (compressed)

Getting started

Direct download

Download the script here and include it.


You will need Rivets.js, VtexUtils and VtexCatalog

For minimal dependencies, use v0.3.0 instead.

Include files:

<!-- With Rivets.js CDNJS (recommended) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rivets/0.9.6/rivets.bundled.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/arquivos/vtex-utils.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/arquivos/vtex-catalog.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/arquivos/vtex-minicart.min.js"></script>

<!-- With Rivets.js file -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/arquivos/rivets.bundled.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/arquivos/vtex-utils.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/arquivos/vtex-catalog.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/arquivos/vtex-minicart.rivets.min.js"></script>

Package Managers

VtexMinicart.js supports npm under the name vtex-minicart.

npm install vtex-minicart --save



All elements inside #myMinicart are able to listen all DOM changes.


vtexUtils (required)

  • Type: Constructor
  • Default: null
  • Required

You will need pass VtexUtils as a constructor:

  vtexUtils: new VTEX.VtexUtils(),

vtexCatalog (required)

  • Type: Class
  • Default: null
  • Required

You will need pass entire VtexCatalog

  vtexCatalog: VTEX.VtexCatalog,

debug (optional)

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

When true, you may access a object of every items on minicart with all options that you can use on Rivets template. There are merged all information of Product API and SKU API

bodyClass (optional)

  • Type: String
  • Default: null

If provided, VtexMinicart.js will automatically apply this class to the body element while an Ajax request is ongoing.

Useful for displaying a loading animation while an Ajax request is waiting to complete - for example:

  .is--loading {
    opacity: 0;
    visibility: hidden;

  body.has--minicart-loader .is--loading {
    opacity: 1;
    visibility: visible;

showGifts (optional)

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Show product gift on cart

Cart Data

You can access original data from Order Form Vtex API. With these data, there are 3 new objects:

  • productFullInfo (from /api/catalog_system/pub/products/search endpoint)
  • productSkuSearch (filtered SKU info from /api/catalog_system/pub/products/search endpoint)
  • productSkuVariations (filtered SKU info from /api/catalog_system/pub/products/variations endpoint)

Data API

These data-atribute can be set in any place.


<span class="minicart__amount" data-minicart-amount=""></span>

Sum of all items on minicart.


<p class="minicart__subtotal-price" data-minicart-subtotal="">R$ 0,00</p>

Render minicart total items price.



Rendering minicart. Useful to call after AJAX asynchronus add to cart button - for example:

<a href="#" class="js--add-to-cart" data-product-id="1">Add to Cart</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
  $(document).on('click', '.js--add-to-cart', function(ev) {
    var item = [{
      id: $(this).data('productId'),
      quantity: 1,
      seller: '1',

    vtexjs.checkout.addToCart(item, null, 1)
      .done(function(orderForm) {
        $('#myMinicart').vtexMinicart('fillCart'); // Re-renderize minicart
        $('#myMinicart').addClass('is--active'); // Open minicart
      .fail(function(err) {


Events are triggered on the document and prefixed with the vtexMinicart namespace.

update.vtexMinicart [orderForm, itemIndex, item]

Triggered when item are updated.

$(document).on('update.vtexMinicart', function(ev, orderForm, itemIndex, item) {
  window.console.group('Cart Updated');
  window.console.log(orderForm); // OrderForm updated {object}
  window.console.log(itemIndex); // Item index changed {int}
  window.console.log(item);      // Item changed {object}

delete.vtexMinicart [orderForm]

Triggered when item are deleted. Useful to do actions when minicart are cleared.

$(document).on('delete.vtexMinicart', function(ev, orderForm) {
  if ( orderForm.items.length < 1 ) {


Triggered whenever VtexMinicart.js begins to process the request queue.

$(document).on('requestStart.vtexMinicart', function(ev) {
  // Event handling here

requestEnd.vtexMinicart [orderForm]

Triggered whenever VtexMinicart.js completes processing the current request queue.

$(document).on('requestEnd.vtexMinicart', function(ev, orderForm) {
  // Event handling here

DOM Binding

Cart container

Init markup

<div id="myMinicart" class="minicart">
  <!-- Your cart properties goes here -->

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
    vtexUtils: new VTEX.VtexUtils(),
    vtexCatalog: VTEX.VtexCatalog,
    debug: true,
    bodyClass: 'has--minicart-loader',

Cart conditional

With Rivets.js, you can show content based on cart's item with directive rv-show or rv-if with conditional filters gt (greater than) or lt (less than).

<!-- This element will show only if have items on cart -->
<div class="minicart__middle" rv-show="cart.itemCount | gt 0">
  <!-- Cart content -->

<!-- If there's no item on cart, this element will be show -->
<div class="minicart__empty" rv-show="cart.itemCount | lt 1">
  <p class="minicart__empty-text">Você não possui produtos no seu carrinho</p>

Cart loop

Renders your items on a cart with rv-each-{objName}.

<!-- While have items on 'cart.items' object, this loop will be rendering -->
<li class="minicart__item-container" rv-each-item="cart.items"></li>

Cart properties

{objName} is your object with all cart properties. With example above, each cart item is on item object.

You can see all properties changing debug option to true and check your console.

<div class="minicart__item-name">
  <h4 class="minicart__item-title" rv-text="item.productFullInfo.name"></h4>
  <small class="minicart__item-sku-title" rv-text="item.name"></small>

Cart filters

There are two Vtex Custom Filters you can use to format images and prices:

  • productImgSize: following by width and height values
  • formatPrice: formats int value price provided by Vtex API
<div class="minicart__item-img-wrapper">
  <!-- Rendering product image with 110x110 size -->
  <img class="minicart__item-img" rv-src="item.imageUrl | productImgSize 110 110" rv-alt="item.name" rv-title="item.name"/>

<div class="minicart__item-price-wrapper">
  <!-- Only shows old price if exists -->
  <del class="minicart__item-old-price" rv-if="item.listPrice | gt 0" rv-text="item.listPrice | formatPrice"></del>
  <!-- Best price -->
  <p class="minicart__item-best-price" rv-text="item.sellingPrice | formatPrice"></p>

Cart tips markup

Show product selected variants

<p class="minicart__item-variant" rv-if="item.variants | isNotEmpty">
  <span rv-text="item.variants.Cor"></span> - <span rv-text="item.variants.Tamanho"></span>

Show installments

<div class="minicart__item-installments-wrapper" rv-if="item.installments | gt 1">
  ou <span rv-text="item.installments"></span>X de <span rv-text="item.installmentsValue | formatPrice"></span>

Remove item

<button class="minicart__item-remove" role="remove" data-minicart-item-remove="" rv-data-minicart-index="item.index">X</button

Set item quantity

<!-- Uses this markup to properly functionality -->
<div class="minicart__item-qty-wrapper">
  <a href="#" class="minicart__item-qty-btn has--minus" data-minicart-item-qty="-">-</a>
  <input type="text"
  <a href="#" class="minicart__item-qty-btn has--plus" data-minicart-item-qty="+">+</a>

See complete example markup on /example/ dir.

For advanced Rivets.js use, check full documentation here


VtexMinicart.js is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


jQuery 1.8.3+

Rivets.js 0.9.6+

