
A typescript dialect which compiles to components of Vue.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vucript from '';



Vucript is a typescript dialect that compiles to components of Vue.

With Vucript, you can write your Vue components more simply than normal TypeScript.


  • vue: ^3.0.0 (vucript doesn't work on vue 2)


Vue CLI Plugin (Recommended)

To use Vucript in your Vue CLI project, you need to run

$ vue add vucript

NPM Installation

If you want to install to non-Vue CLI project, you need to run

$ npm install vucript --save-dev


You can check our documentation of Vucript here.


Let's write a simple counter app in Vucript.

import { reactive, computed } from "Vucript";
let counter: reactive<number> = 0;
let add = () => {
const twiceTheCounter: computed<number> = () => counter * 2;

Vucript compiler transforms the above to Vue Composition API Code

import { defineComponent, ref, computed } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
    setup() {
        const counter = ref<number>(0);
        const add = () => {
        const twiceTheCounter = computed(() => counter.value * 2);
        return { counter, add, twiceTheCounter };

Vucript code is more simple than normal Vue Composition API code!


In your Vue CLI Project

Install vue-cli-plugin-vucript first. Then, please add lang="vucript" to your Vue Single Component Files.

<script lang="vucript">
import { reactive, computed } from 'Vucript';
let counter:reactive<number> = 0;
let add = () => {
const twiceTheCounter:computed<number> = (()=>counter*2);

Command Line Tool

Please install Vucript globally to use Vucript Command Line Tool.

$ npm install -g vucript
$ vucript component.ts


Import Vucript and run Vucript.compile function!

import Vucript from "vucript";

let compiled = Vucript.compile(`let counter:reactive<number> = 0;`); //compile function returns compiled string.
Vucript.compileFile(filename, "./"); //compileFile function compiles and save a file.

Bug Report and Support

Please create issue on GitHub or mention @tomu_1576 on Twitter.

We need your contribution!

Vucript is still in development and incomplete! We need your contribution to make Vucript a better project. Please feel free to mention @tomu_1576 on Twitter if you need any help about contribution!