
Vue CLI plugin to add support for pug templates in addition with CSS modules (providing classname and ID minification), so you won't have to use $style object, just write the code as usual

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueCliPluginPugWithCssModules from '';



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Vue CLI plugin to add support for pug templates with implicit support of CSS modules, so you won't have to use $style object, just write the code as usual

The plugin also provides own minification function for class names and ids used in production mode (see patched vue.config.js)


vue add pug-with-css-modules

vue.config.js will be patched automatically

Don't forget to use module attribute for your styles used in templates:

<style lang="less" module>

As well you won't need scoped attribute as transform function will generate already scoped class names


To use the plugin you won't need to change your templates. Look at the example:

<template lang="pug">
  :class="{ state, locked }",

#id.a.z.x(:class="[b, c, d]")

div(:class="{d: someVar}" :id="someIdVar")
div(:class="a ? 'b' : c")


<style module>
.sas {

.state {


The plugin compiles pug and processes class and id attributes to use $style:

  :class="[ $style['sas'], {[$style['state']] : state}, {[$style['locked']] : locked} ]"
  <div :class="$style['child']">
    <div :class="$style['grand-child']"></div>
  :class="[ $style['a'], $style['z'], $style['x'], $style[b], $style[c], $style[d] ]"
<div :id="$style[someIdVar]" :class="{[$style['d']] : someVar}"></div>
<div :class="$style[a ? 'b' : c]"></div>
<div :class="$style[someOtherVar]"></div>

Edge cases

Sometimes it's needed to preserve id/class names. In this scenario use -- as a prefix to preserve the name.

ID Example:

<template lang="pug">
svg <!-- preserve tag case -->

.element bababooey

<style module>
.element {
  filter: url(#filter-1);

Notice, that the prefix is removed.

Class example

<template lang="pug">
.--element bababooey

.this-will-be-minified bog

.element {

<style module>
.this-will-be-minified {

Notice, that there should be no module attribute for styles you want to preserve.